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Groundwater testing on the West Gate Tunnel Project
EPA has reviewed groundwater test results from the tunnel alignment and the surrounding area. The results show very low levels of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
The groundwater samples show contamination along the tunnel alignment. This is slightly elevated compared to background levels found in other populated areas of Victoria. The level of PFAS in the groundwater is slightly above drinking water standards, and below the accepted threshold for water that we can safely swim in. The level of PFAS contamination found in areas we know have been polluted by the past use of firefighting foams are several times higher than what we have found in the groundwater on the project.
Extensive groundwater testing confirms that we expect PFAS levels in the soil from the project to be at safe levels that would not impact the community or the environment with appropriate controls in place.
You can download the graph (publication 1876; PDF 299KB) that shows the test results.
Information about emerging contaminants in Victoria is in Emerging contaminants assessment 2019–20: Summary of results (publication 1879).
Noise from the West Gate Tunnel Project
Our Civil Construction Building and Demolition Guide (publication 1834) provide information on how to reduce the impact of noise on residents.
Under the Environment Protection Act 2017, it is expected that noise and vibration are minimized so far as reasonably practicable at all times. WGTP or their contractors should notify people this noise will affect. WGTP or their contractors should advise when the noise will occur and how long it will go on for.
However, some works noisy works cannot be avoided, and they may need to happen outside of normal working hours.
These include unavoidable works, which are works which pose an unacceptable risk to life or property or a major traffic hazard, and cannot be reasonably moved to normal work hours. Unavoidable works must be justified. WGTP and their contractors must show they have made all reasonable efforts to limit the impact of noise on the local community.
What unavoidable works are
The project may consider works that cannot be practicably and safely completed during normal business hours to be unavoidable. They include works that:
- involve continuous work, for example a concrete pour
- pose an unacceptable risk to life or property
- risk a major traffic hazard
- could cause a major disruption to the transport system.
Sometimes, the project or their contractors can’t avoid noisy works. They must show they have made all reasonable efforts to limit the impact of noise on the local community.
Further information can be found on our roadworks and major infrastructure noise page.
Air quality and dust from the West Gate Tunnel Project
Dust is a common air pollutant and is a potential environmental risk from the project.
The project is monitoring ambient air quality at six locations across the project. They are testing for particles (PM10 and PM2.5). The project is publishing results on their website.
The project is also monitoring for dust at worksites within the project area. The monitors record dust that may be generated from the construction works.
The Civil Construction Building and Demolition Guide (publication 1834) provides information on how to reduce the impact of dust on residents.
Read next
West Gate Tunnel Project: EPA’s role
Reviewed 28 January 2022