Latest media releases and news

  1. Fine for charity shop dumper

    A man’s attempt to offload a broken pool table on an Ascot Vale St Vincents de Paul Society Store has seen him land fines, charges and costs totalling $3,788. CCTV caught the moment just before...

  2. EPA orders landfill actions

    EPA Victoria is maintaining its oversight of the Veolia Recycling and Recovery facility in Taylors Rd, Dandenong South issuing three improvement notices. The notices relate to the ongoing management...

  3. Sydney Rd smoko costs $1,100

    A Craigieburn man who tossed a burning cigarette from a Honda sedan on Sydney Rd, Campbellfield, has avoided a conviction but will pay $1,120 in fine and costs after the case went to court.   EPA...

  4. EPA teams sniffing out fuel leak in the city

    A strong fuel-like odour affecting the Yarra River at Flinders Walk is being tracked under the streets of the Melbourne CBD. Reports of an oily sheen on the surface of the water have been coming in...

  5. Southbank streets need shoosh not whoosh

    A Southbank man might have to keep his Volkswagen off the road until he can prove to EPA Victoria that it is no longer a noisy vehicle.   The man pleaded guilty in the Melbourne Magistrate’...

  6. Second Wollert community conference for Cleanaway waste to energy proposal

    EPA Victoria will hold two community conferences in June to discuss Cleanaway Operations’ development licence application to build a waste-to-energy plant in Wollert. A community conference...

  7. Chemical discharge leads to fine

    A Laverton North company that primarily makes shampoos and soaps has been fined nearly $10,000 by EPA Victoria after it was found discharging its industrial wastewater into a nearby stormwater drain...

  8. Fine for failure to supply information

    A failure to supply information to EPA Victoria in line with an official notice has cost a transport company a fine of $9,615. EPA issued an Information Gathering Notice to the Kaduki Group Pty Ltd as...

  9. Mud tracks lead to fine

    A Laverton North recycling company that allowed dirt and debris to be tracked out of its yard and down the street has been fined nearly $2,000 by EPA Victoria. Onesteel Recycling Pty Ltd, trading as...

  10. Upwey Primary School update

    EPA Victoria has been working with VicTrack and the Victorian School Building Authority on the clean-up of the oval at Upwey Primary School to ensure it is safe for use by students...

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