105 results

  1. Smoke

    Find out how smoke can impact your health, the law on smoke and how to report smoke...

  2. PM2.5 particles in the air

    Find out where PM2.5 particles come from, how they can impact our health and how to check air quality...

  3. Stormwater

    Learn how to use stormwater, how stormwater gets polluted and what we can do to reduce its impacts on the environment...

  4. Hazardous chemicals and asbestos in your home

    Hazardous chemical waste and asbestos in your home must be managed. Find out how...

  5. Airborne dust

    Dust is a common air pollutant that reduces air quality. Smaller particles, or ‘fine’ dust, are more likely to impact human health...

  6. Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the environment

    PFAS move easily through the environment through surface water runoff and leaching to groundwater. EPA has an ambient emerging contaminants project and a biota emerging contaminants project...

  7. About groundwater

    Groundwater is water that collects or flows beneath the soil surface, filling the porous spaces in soil, sand, clay and rocks. Groundwater pollution is usually the result of poor environmental care...

  8. Water quality alerts

    Current alerts affecting Port Phillip Bay and its associated water catchments Avoid water in Ruffey Lake, Doncaster Issued Monday, 24 March 2025 at 2:30 pm EPA and Melbourne Water officers are...

  9. Air pollution

    How air pollutants like carbon monoxide, ozone and PM10 particles impact our health and the environment...

  10. Caring for Waterhole Creek

    Citizen scientists helped source vital data to protect Waterhole Creek catchment’s watery quality...

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