Map pins are available via the tab key in a list after the map.

You can pan the map with the keyboard arrows.

Map pins are available via the tab key in a list after the map.

You can pan the map with the keyboard arrows.

Explore water quality across the Yarra

EPA forecasts water quality for 4 sites along the Yarra River in partnership with Melbourne Water.

The forecasts predict the risk of stormwater pollution during and after rain. The forecast predictions are based on rain, water quality history, regular sampling results, and pollution reports.

EPA also issues alerts when there is an issue affecting a waterbody in Victoria.

Yarra Watch season is now open. Always check for signs of pollution before you swim.


Avoid swimming near stormwater or river outlets 24-48 hours after heavy rain.

Water quality forecast key

  • Good

    Suitable for swimming

  • Fair

    May not be suitable for swimming

  • Poor

    Not suitable for swimming

  • Illegal

    City bylaws prevent swimming

  • Not available

    Forecast data unavailable

View data in table format

Healthy swimming advice

For healthy swimming:

  • Avoid swimming near stormwater drains 
  • Avoid swimming for 48 hours after rain
  • Try not to swallow water during recreation 
  • Cover cuts and scratches with waterproof bandages
  • Wash your skin with soap after touching the water and shower after swimming.

Yarra Watch forecasts

Water quality forecasts are generated at 10 am and 3 pm each day. At 10 am, the forecast predicts water quality between 10 am and 3 pm. At 3 pm, two forecasts are generated, an afternoon and next day forecast. An afternoon forecast predicts water quality between 3 pm to 12 am and is displayed on the Yarra Watch map at this time. The next day forecast predicts water quality for the 24 hours from midnight, and updates on the map at 12 am.  

A preview of the forecast for the next day is available from 3 pm. You can find this preview under the tomorrow heading when you click on a forecast pin on the map.  

Next day forecasts reflect the most conservative rating of water quality for an entire day. If water quality is likely to be Fair or Poor at any time that day, that is what our next day forecast will show. For example, water quality could be Good in the morning, but turning Poor in the evening due to rain. In this case, our next day forecast would show Poor for the entire day.  

Water quality can change with weather conditions such as significant rainfall. Check the Bureau of Meteorology website for the latest weather conditions before you swim.  

Always look for signs of poor water quality before you swim. Signs of Poor water quality is water which is discoloured, murky or smells unpleasant. 


Good means water quality is probably suitable for swimming.

Fair means water quality may not be suitable for swimming. Check for signs of pollution before you swim. For example; stormwater drains flowing, murky water, bad smell, and rubbish.

Poor means water quality is probably not suitable for swimming.

Children, older people and people with a weakened immune system are most at risk of getting sick from polluted water.

View sampling results

You can view recent sampling results for Yarra Watch sites at DataVic.

How we calculate forecasts

The forecasts predict the risk of stormwater pollution during and after rain. The forecasts are based on rain, water quality history, regular sampling results, and pollution reports.

Melbourne Water and EPA test water samples for a bacteria found in faeces called E. coli.

E. coli is the best indicator for measuring pollution from faecal contamination in our rivers.

In poor water quality,  bacteria  may lead to illness. A common illness from swimming in poor quality water is gastroenteritis. You should see your doctor if you suspect you are unwell from swimming.

Recreational water quality standards

We assess water quality against the Environment Reference Standard which came into effect in 2021.

These standards are more stringent than standards we used previously. This ensures that Yarra Watch is more protective of health. This means swimmers can have an even higher degree of confidence in our forecasts and swim advisories.

Find out more about water quality standards.

Reviewed 19 December 2023