This includes: 

Littering and the law

It’s against the law to litter from a car or vehicle. You're also responsible if one of your passengers litters from your vehicle.

If someone reports that there has been littering from your vehicle, EPA will investigate and can take action. 

We may send you an infringement notice. This is a fine that you either:

Examples of littering fines are:

  • an individual – $395 for a small item of litter such as a cigarette butt or food packaging or $790 for a lit cigarette or other dangerous litter
  • a corporation – $1976 for a small item of litter such as a cigarette butt or food packaging or $3952 for a lit cigarette or other dangerous litter

How to pay your vehicle littering fine

You must pay or nominate your litter fine before the due date on your infringement notice to avoid further fees. If you don’t, you may have to pay a penalty reminder notice fee.

Pay online

You can pay online for infringements with offence dates after 1 July 2021. 

Pay by phone

Call 1300 372 842 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) to pay your fine by phone.

You can pay using Mastercard or Visa. You’ll need to give us your infringement number. You’ll find this on your infringement notice.

Pay with internet or phone banking

You can pay your fine using internet or phone banking (BPAY).

  • Biller code: 150714
  • Reference: 45 followed by your infringement number.

If you can’t afford your vehicle littering fine

Call EPA on 1300 372 842 to find out if you are eligible for a payment plan or if you would like your fine referred to Fines Victoria for a payment arrangement.

How to nominate a vehicle littering fine

If you didn't commit the offence, you have several options to deal with your vehicle littering fine. 

Nominate who is responsible for the alleged littering

If you’re not responsible for the littering from your vehicle, you can send us a nomination statutory declaration and tell us:

  • who you saw litter


  • who was in or near the vehicle at the time the litter was deposited


  • who was responsible for your vehicle at the time. For example, if you had loaned your car to someone else when the littering happened.

You must give us the person’s full name and current residential address. We’ll reissue the fine to the person you name.

Email a scanned copy of your nomination statutory declaration to

Or you can post your nomination statutory declaration to:

EPA Victoria
GPO Box 4395
Melbourne VIC 3001

It’s against the law to send us a statutory declaration with false or misleading information.

Please note:

  • send nomination statutory declarations by email where possible
  • nomination statutory declarations can be witnessed remotely. Instead of meeting in person, you can arrange to ‘appear before’ the witness by audio-visual link. See the Department of Justice and Community Safety website for more information. 

Ask to take your fine to court

You can ask for your fine to be heard at court. This is so a magistrate or judge can decide what happens.

To ask for the fine to be taken to court, send an email to or write to us at:

EPA Victoria
GPO Box 4395
Melbourne VIC 3001

If it’s not safe to name the person who littered from the vehicle

If you can’t name the person who littered because of family violence, Fines Victoria may be able to withdraw your fine.

To find out if you can get your fine withdrawn, you can either:

The Orange Door gives guidance on clearing your browser history.

If you would want to apply for an internal review

You can apply for an infringement internal review.

You must apply for an internal review within 14 days of finding out about your infringement notice.

If we withdraw your penalty reminder notice fee, you still need to pay the original vehicle littering fine. 

Read more about vehicle littering 

How to report littering from cars and vehicles

EPA’s litter reporting statistics

Reviewed 18 June 2024