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Environment Management Plans (EMPs)
The Environment Protection (Management of tunnel boring machine spoil) Regulations 2020 outline what an Environment Management Plan (EMP) must include.
An EMP must include:
- a description, map and details of the premises and the processing site
- a risk assessment of adverse impacts from the spoil – this includes receipt, storage, treatment and containment
- detailed arrangements and operating conditions that minimize risks to the environment and community
- ongoing environmental auditor requirements.
The Environment Protection (Management of tunnel boring machine spoil) Regulations 2020 expired on 30 June 2023. In August 2021, the Environment Protection Regulations 2021 were amended to introduce a new permit category (L09) for the disposal of TBM spoil.
The L09 permit establishes an ongoing pathway for the disposal of TBM spoil under the new laws. For more information about this process visit,
Approved EMPs
Under the previous laws, EPA approved EMPs from:
- Hi-Quality
- Western Soil Treatment (WST)
- Cleanaway Operations Pty Ltd.
EPA was not responsible for the decision to choose Hi-Quality’s Bulla site.
L09 permit issued
Hi-Quality has applied for, and been issued, an L09 permit. The permit includes comparable controls as the existing EMP. This ensures TBM spoil is managed in a way which minimises risks to human health and the environment.
The permit, and its conditions, are available online.
More information is available in the Questions and Answers section, below.
Commercially sensitive information in an EMP
EPA respects the rights of applicants to keep commercial sensitive information private. This includes information relevant to the tender process.
Some information from the documents available on this webpage has been redacted.
Hi-Quality’s EMP for the West Gate Tunnel Project
Read Hi-Quality’s EMP (PDF 86,255KB)
Read EPA’s assessment of Hi-Quality’s EMP in publication 1942
Read EPA’s approval letter to Hi-Quality (PDF, 411KB)
Hi-Quality’s EMP and EPA’s assessment of Hi-Quality’s EMP were initially released with parts that had been redacted.
To provide the community with as much information as possible, EPA has negotiated the release of the above EMP. Some information is still redacted. This relates to personal details and proprietary commercial information.
Western Soil Treatment’s (WST) EMP for the West Gate Tunnel Project
Maddingley Brown Coal on behalf of Western Soil Treatment requested EPA withdraw its approval of the WST EMP. The EPA has since withdrawn approval and removed it from our website.
Cleanaway Operations Pty Ltd’s (Cleanaway) EMP for the West Gate Tunnel Project
Read EPA’s assessment of Cleanaway’s EMP (publication 1970)
Read EPA’s approval letter to Cleanaway (PDF, 273PB)
Read Cleanaway’s EMP (PDF, 8.4MB)
EPA classifies waste materials. This defines how it must be managed and transported. A designation to enable the transport and management of per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contaminated TBM spoil from the site has been issued.
Spoil includes soil, rock, sludge and water.
Under the Environment Protection (Management of Tunnel Boring Machine Spoil) Regulations 2020 a site must have multiple controls in place to receive TBM spoil. This includes:
- an EPA-approved Environment Management Plan (EMP)
- a containment system designed in accordance with the approved EMP and not used to contain any material other than TBM spoil
- that the material be received on an impervious surface and secured to not allow for public access
- leachate testing and management in line with the EPA-approved EMP.
You can read or download the waste designation:
Questions and answers
Find out more about the West Gate Tunnel Project
You can contact the West Gate Tunnel Project with questions or feedback about their works:
You can contact EPA to make a report about noise, dust or other environmental impacts.
- Call us on 1300 372 842. We’re here 24 hours.
- contact@epa.vic.gov.au
- Report pollution online. Register and report pollution through the EPA Interaction Portal.
Read next
West Gate Tunnel Project: EPA’s role
Reviewed 31 October 2023