About EPA
- Strategic Plan 2022-27
- Annual Delivery Plan
- Annual report 2023-2024
- Online payments
- Procurement Activity Plan
Public registers
- Annual Performance Statements
- Environmental audit system register
- Register of advisory panels
- Register of better environment plans
- Register of court proceedings
- Enforceable undertakings
- Register of environmental audits
- Land contamination PRSAs
- Appointments register
- Permissioning decisions register
- Register of permission exemptions
- Register of site management orders
- Register of compliance codes, position statements and guidelines
- Register of waste information
- Publications
- Aboriginal and Traditional Owner recognition and inclusion
What we do
- Protecting human health
- EPA’s focus on protection and prevention
- Setting and reviewing standards
- Supporting business with guidance
Compliance and enforcement
- Appointments and delegations
- Enforceable undertakings
- EPA's compliance approach
- Sanctions
- Remedial notices and directions
- Tackling waste crime
Officers for the Protection of the Local Environment (OPLEs)
- Whittlesea's OPLE resolves dust from development sites
- OPLE helps to prevent liquid waste from residential construction sites polluting Casey stormwater
- Noise in from reversing trucks
- OPLEs prevent plastic pellet pollution across Melbourne
- Noise in Greater Shepparton
- Preventing Dandenong stormwater pollution
- Managing the permissioning system
- Environmental audit system: EPA's role
- Emergency information
- EPA's regulatory approach
- Land use planning
- Our role in managing climate change risks
- Regulatory priorities
- Disability Action Plan
- Public interest disclosures
Laws and regulations
- Climate change legislation
- Compliance and directions
Laws and your business
- The Build Aware campaign
- GED for businesses
- Contamination in Victoria
- Air quality guidance
- Understanding your environmental obligations
- How to report a notifiable incident
- Responding to harm caused by pollution
Laws to protect the environment and human health
- What the Act means for the Victorian community
- Environmental laws for all Victorians
- Your third-party civil remedies
- Summary of regulations
- State of knowledge and industry guidance
- Discontinuation of SEPPs and WMPs
- Controls and permissions
- Understanding what reasonably practicable means under the laws
- Managing waste
- Subordinate legislation tools
- Noise legislation
Our programs and projects
- Regional sensor network
- Victoria's single-use plastics ban
- Fishermans Bend groundwater studies
- Illegal waste disposal program
- Industry Partnership Program
- Inspiring Environmental Solutions
- Major industries assessments
- Resource Recovery Facilities Audit Taskforce
- Community-led action for smoke: Yarra Ranges pilot
- Small Business Program pilot
- Underground petroleum storage systems at service stations
- Our past programs and projects
- Governance
- Who EPA works with
- EPA's environmental performance
- News, updates and campaigns
- Careers at EPA
- Contact us
For community
- Flood-impacted waterways
How to
- How to clean up after a flood
- Waste levy waiver for disaster waste from Yarram Gap Road fire
- Reduce your household greenhouse gas emissions
- Remove and dispose of asbestos
- Dispose of treated timber
- Dispose of building, renovation or home demolition waste
- Hire a skip bin
- Book a noise test for your vehicle
- Recycle household waste
- Find a landfill or recycling centre
- Recycle household e-waste
- EPA AirWatch
- Recreational water quality
- Fines and infringements
- Incidents
Current projects
- Metro Tunnel Project
- Suburban Rail Loop Project
- West Gate Tunnel Project
- Cairnlea housing estate
- Bradbury cleanup project
- CFA training sites
- Chunxing battery recycling plant
- Closed Sunshine landfills
- EPA’s clean up of liquid chemical waste containers left at a Dandenong South facility
- Groundwater quality in Edithvale, Chelsea and Bonbeach
- Cairn Curran Reservoir lead level study
- Level Crossing Removal Project
- North East Link Project
- Odour issues from Visy Paper site in Reservoir
- Odour issues from Akzo Nobel site in Sunshine North
- PFAS at Defence sites
- PFAS in the Maribyrnong catchment
- Tullamarine closed landfill
- Water quality alerts
- Kealba landfill hotspots
- Ravenhall landfill
- Brooklyn
Environmental information
Environmental public health
- About mercury and mercury spills in your home
- Airborne dust
- Chlorinated hydrocarbons and your health
- Climate, weather and public health
- Contaminated clan labs and public health
- Contaminated land and your health
- Environmental public health: EPA’s role
- Groundwater and your health
- How to clean up mercury spills in your home
- Hazardous chemicals and asbestos in your home
- Living in an area with mine tailings
- Your health and the environment; learn and take action
- Illegal waste dumping
Air quality
- Air pollution and visibility
- Carbon monoxide in the air
- Clean air and future air quality
- NEPM standards review
- Nitrogen dioxide in the air
- Ozone in the air
- PM10 particles in the air
- PM2.5 particles in the air
- Sulfur dioxide in the air
- Smoke
- Air pollution
- Smog
- Vehicle emissions and air quality
- Wood smoke and air quality
- Climate change
- Land and groundwater
- Noise
- Odour
Household waste
- About asbestos
Local government kerbside recycling
- 2011-12 Local government kerbside recycling report
- 2012-13 Local government kerbside recycling report
- 2013-14 Local government kerbside recycling report
- 2014-15 Local government kerbside recycling report
- 2015-16 Local government kerbside recycling report
- 2016-17 Local government kerbside recycling report
- 2017-18 Local government kerbside recycling report
- Landfills
- Water
Environmental public health
- How EPA monitors your environment
Get involved
- About our engagement policy
Our Citizen Science Program
- About citizen science
- GardenSafe
Our citizen science projects
- Bendigo Air Monitoring
- Inner Melbourne Air Monitoring
- Latrobe Valley Air Monitoring Co-design
- Caring for Waterhole Creek
- Latrobe Valley Dust Research
- Latrobe Valley trace element soil testing
- Latrobe Valley Water Project
- Port Phillip Marine Water Monitoring
- Regional Victoria Zinc Mapping
- Yarra ranges smoke impacts project
- Drain Detectives
- Meet our citizen scientists
- Environmental Science Series
- National Science Week
- Upcoming events
- Past events
- Have your say
For business
- How-to for business and industry
Find a topic
- Agriculture
- Asbestos
- Contaminated environments
- Environment protection laws and Regulations
- E-waste
- Landfill
- Noise
- Odour
- Planning
- Risk management
- Shooting ranges
- Waste and recycling
- Wastewater
- Land and groundwater
- Liquid storage and handling
- Solid storage and handling
- Major infrastructure projects
- Erosion and sedimentation
- Concrete batching
- Construction
- Water
- Waste transport
- Dairy farm effluent and the environment
- About hazardous leaks and spills
- Hazardous leaks and spills: the law
- Auto recycling guidance
- How to store and manage liquids
- Landfill pollution guidance
- Land and groundwater guidance
- When you need a human health assessment
- Storing and handling solids
- Prevent water pollution from your business
- Hazardous leaks and spills: EPA’s role
- Managing electronic waste
- Contamination hazards at shooting ranges
- Dust
- Marina and vessel guidance
- Self-assessment tool for small business
- Agricultural guidance
- Prevent building site stormwater pollution
- Construction industry guidance
- Financial assurances
- Manage clinical and related waste
- About clinical waste
- Minamata Convention on Mercury
- Understanding historic mining waste
- National Pollutant Inventory
- Illegal waste disposal
- Planning: environmental guidance
- Noise guidance for businesses
How to manage industrial waste
- How to manage asbestos waste
- How to manage black coal fly ash
- Incinerator bottom ash (IBA) management
- How to dispose of bushfire waste
- Composting guidance for operators
- How to manage and store combustible recyclable and waste materials
- How to manage dangerous good wastes
- Glass reprocessing guidance
- Plastic feedstock
- Used packaging obligations for businesses
- How to store and transport waste tyres
- Environmental audit system
- Manage effluent on dairy farms
- Work with an environmental consultant
About the EPA portal
About Permission Administrators
- Add or remove an association between portal users and an organisation
- Update your organisation information
- View landfill cell applications or reassign from one portal user to another
- View permission applications or reassign from one portal user to another
- View Requests for Information or reassign from one portal user to another
- View organisation information in the EPA Portal
- View permission information associated with your organisation
- Sign up to the EPA Portal
About Permission Administrators
- Waste classification
- Waste duties
- Declaration of use
Transporting waste
- Interstate transport
- Transporting hazardous waste
About Waste Tracker
- Features of Waste Tracker
- How to start using Waste Tracker
- Sign-up to Waste Tracker
- Waste Tracker for producers
- Waste Tracker for receivers
- Waste Tracker for drivers and transporters
- How a driver can assign a vehicle in the app
- How a driver can search for records on the Waste Tracker app
- How a driver can self-assign a waste record in the Waste Tracker app
- How a driver can self-assign waste records using Waste Tracker
- How a driver can open addresses in their default mapping software in the waste tracker app
- How a site receiver can search for records on the Waste Tracker app
- How to accept an A16 receiver invitation
- How to check the version number in the waste tracker app
- How to create an A16 waste record
- How to email a grouped waste record using waste tracker
- How to extract waste tracker data
- How an accredited consigner can search and filter waste records on the Waste accredited consigner transport records dashboard
- How a producer can search and filter waste records on the Waste producer transport dashboard
- Learn how to filter and search for waste records on the waste receiver dashboard.
- How a transporter can search and filter waste records on the waste transporter dashboard
- How to invite an A16 receiver on Waste Tracker
- How to view users in Waste Tracker
- How to save vehicle details to a driver profile on the Waste Tracker app
- How to view waste records on a map in the waste tracker app
- Using a system other than Waste Tracker
- What to do if Waste Tracker isn’t working
- Assign a vehicle to pick up grouped waste in the app
- Assign vehicle to pick up grouped waste
- Drop off grouped waste
- How a driver can drop off waste using Waste Tracker
- Drop off grouped waste record in the app
- Drop off waste in the Waste Tracker app
- Edit vehicle details in grouped waste record
- Driver picks up grouped waste
- Pick up a waste record in the app
- Driver picks up waste
- Reject grouped waste assignment
- Reject a waste record in the app
- Driver rejects a waste record
- Reject grouped waste record in the app
- Driver rejects assignment
- How a producer can invite an Accredited Consigner using Waste Tracker
- How a producer can remove an Accredited Consigner using Waste Tracker
- Receive grouped waste in the app
- Receiver receives grouped waste
- Receive waste in the app
- Reject grouped waste in the app
- Receiver rejects grouped waste in the app
- Reject waste in the app
- Receiver rejects waste
- Transporter adds a waste record to a group
- Transporter assigns waste record to driver
- Transporter cancels driver invitation
- Transporter changes assigned driver
- Transporter creates and assigns a grouped waste record
- Transporter invites driver to connect
- How a transporter can reject waste using Waste Tracker
- Transporter removes driver from waste record
- Transporter removes driver connection
- Transporter removes a waste record from a group
- How a transporter can view a grouped waste record using Waste Tracker
- Accept invitation
- Add a site receiver
- Clone a waste record
- Create waste record
- How to edit or cancel a waste record using Waste Tracker
- Email a waste record
- Navigate between dashboards
- Receive waste
- Waste to energy
- Find your industry
- EPA fees
- Penalties for businesses
- Check if you need a permission
- Registrations
- Changes to permits for supply or use of reclaimed wastewater
- Apply for a permission for a council operated landfill
- How to apply for an A11 permission
- Permissioning of supply or use of reclaimed wastewater - A14 permits
- Permissioning of supply or use of biosolids - A15 permit
- How to apply for an A13a/b Waste and resource recovery permission
- Apply for a permission to supply or use priority waste
- Apply for an A17 permission
- Apply for an A18 permission
- Apply for a permission for temporary waste treatment
- How to apply for a permit
- Types of permits
- Permission Information and Performance Statements (PIPS)
- How to appeal a licence decision
- Development licences
- How to amend your licence or permit
- How to apply for a licence
- How to surrender your licence or permit
- How to transfer your licence or permit
- Licence and permit amendments
- Operating licences
- Pilot project licences
- Types of operating licences
- Licences and permits for waste
- Fit and proper person and the new laws
- Permission exemptions
- Climate change, biodiversity and engagement requirements
- Permission applications and the environment protection principles
- Authorisation of discharges or disposal
- Permissions notifications
- Prohibited person
- Transition of permissions
- Waste code transition
- Business forms and tools
Report litter and pollution
EPA portal help
EPA Guest Wifi Acceptable Use Policy
EPA and digital privacy
EPA privacy policy