EPA has a policy on responding to offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality. This is so the public has confidence in how we make decisions.

You should avoid offering gifts, benefits or hospitality to EPA staff.

Our employees can’t accept a gift that may bring their or EPA’s integrity into disrepute.

Policy for gifts, benefits and hospitality

Our policy and processes for gifts are in line with requirements under the Standing Directions 2018 under the Financial Management Act 1994.

Gifts, benefits and hospitality policy (publication 1746)

Privacy collection statement

Our employees tell their manager about every non-token gift offer they get, even if they refuse it.

We collect, retain and use this information. This helps make sure our policy is effective and meets our legal obligations.

Privacy collection statement – gift offers

Register of reportable gift offers

Gift offers are either:

  • token (inconsequential, trivial, and worth less than $50)
  • reportable (non-token).

We must:

  • keep a register of all reportable gift offers
  • publish a de-identified copy that complies with privacy laws.

Download the EPA register of gift, benefit and hospitality offers 2023 - 2024.

Avoid making a gift offer

Avoid making gift offers that our employees can’t accept. For example, if you have an interest in a business decision the employee may make or influence.

If you have a business relationship with EPA (for example, a supplier or tenderer), consequences may apply if you don’t follow:

  • our policy
  • any Victorian government supplier code of conduct.

Avoid making multiple gift offers

If you make multiple gift offers the overall effect may raise integrity issues.

Get more information about gift offers

For more information about our gifts, benefits and hospitality policy, contact integrity.officer@epa.vic.gov.au

More about governance 

Our CEO and Governing Board 

Chief Environmental Scientist 

Organisational structure 

Our Minister 

Annual reports and plans  

Our scientific expertise 

Tenders and procurement 

Reviewed 21 February 2025