15 results

  1. Student resources

    Information, resources and help from EPA for environmental assignments...

  2. Electricity generation

    Watch the livestream of EPA’s Environmental Science Series session on renewable energy technologies...

  3. Meet our citizen scientists

    Volunteers describe why they think citizen science is important and enjoyable...

  4. Changes to noise regulation during coronavirus

    There have been some changes to noise restrictions to make sure the delivery of essential goods and services can continue...

  5. Behavioural change

    Watch the livestream of EPA’s Environmental Science Series session on behaviour change...

  6. Waste and recycling during coronavirus

    Waste services can continue operating during the coronavirus pandemic...

  7. Operating licences

    The subordinate legislation – the Environment Protection Regulations and Environment Reference Standard – has been made by the Governor in Council and came into effect on 1 July 2021 with...

  8. Antimicrobial resistance

    Watch the livestream of EPA’s Environmental Science Series session on antimicrobial resistance...

  9. PFAS exposure

    Watch the livestream of EPA’s Environmental Science Series session on PFAS exposure, bioaccumulation and associations with health effects...

  10. Comment on licence applications

    EPA publishes details of works approvals for public comment. Find out how to comment on these...

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