Many people are now working from home. Some people are experiencing an increase in noise because there’s less background noise. Less background noise can make other noise more noticeable.
Victorian Government exemptions for essential businesses
The Victorian Government is taking steps to make sure that delivery of essential goods and services can continue. You may notice some noise outside of usual business hours.
The Minister for Planning approved new planning rules that exempt essential businesses from existing noise restrictions.
In addition, there are changes to:
Local Government Bulletins contain the latest information for local government.
Types of noise and who to report to
How you report noise pollution depends on where the noise is coming from.
Noise from waste collection
EPA doesn’t regulate noise from kerbside waste collection services. Local laws enacted by local councils may include obligations for reducing noise in certain circumstances. You can speak to your local council about noise from kerbside waste collections.
Residential noise
Residential noise is any unwanted sound that you can hear from a residential property. It can include noise from:
- power tools
- sound systems
- air conditioners
- heating equipment
- lawn mowers.
The Environment Protection (Residential Noise) Regulations 2018 regulate residential noise. Local council and Victoria Police enforce the Regulations.
You can report residential noise to your local council during normal business hours and to Victoria Police outside normal business hours.
You can find out about reporting noise and which types of noise complaint EPA handles.
Read next
Handling waste during coronavirus
New guidance for outdoor music noise during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Reviewed 24 March 2022