Activities requiring an A19 permission
Use this information if:
- you’re applying for an A19 permission
- the operation of the temporary plant is limited to a maximum total operating time of 12 months within any 3-year period.
This is for activities involving temporary on-site treatment of industrial waste generated at the site.
What you should include in your A19 application
You should complete and attach the following documents in the upload section of the online application. We may also ask for additional information while assessing your application.
Provide an overview of the proposal for temporary on-site waste treatment. Include:
- a description of the activities to be undertaken at the premises
- a description of the site layout
- location of temporary waste treatment activities
- an overview of your risk assessment and proposed risk control methods for the temporary waste treatment activities.
The Environment Protection Regulations 2021 have more information.
You’ll need to include details of how you’ll assess risks to the environment and human health and your supporting evidence. This should include but not be limited to:
- a plan showing the site location and where waste treatment and any associated storage will happen.
- Show the location of proposed controls to manage risks, including dust control, noise, runoff management etc. Also show and any relevant monitoring locations
- An explanation of how waste treatment is conducted in a safe manner so that risks to the groundwater, surface water and air quality are mitigated.
- details of the waste type, any hazard characteristics and the proposed treatment process
- management arrangements and operating conditions designed to minimise the risk of adverse impacts from the activities on any beneficial uses of the environment.
- details of any plant or equipment used in the waste treatment process, and any engineered storage facilities.
- a description of the intended or expected endpoint of the waste material undergoing treatment. This means the material to be temporarily stored before disposal offsite or reuse onsite
- a detailed description of the traffic management plan.
Find more information
Environment Protection Regulations 2021
Assessing and controlling risk: a guide for business (publication 1695)
Reasonably practicable (publication 1856)
Guide to classifying industrial waste (publication 1968)
Demonstrating best practice (publication 1517)
Provide details of your proposed monitoring program and evaluation program. This means your methods to work out how effective your controls and risk management will be for emissions to land and air such as odour noise, and liquid runoff.
Find more information
Sampling and analysis of waters, wastewaters, soils and wastes (publication IWRG701)
Soil sampling (publication IWRG702)
Waste classification assessment protocol (publication 1827)
Waste disposal categories - characteristics and thresholds (publication 1828)
Understand permit conditions
An EPA permit has standard conditions attached. These outline the legal obligations of the permission holder. They set up a framework for risk management, record keeping and reporting. Referring to them may help you understand the risks and risk management controls you need to demonstrate in your application:
A19 permit conditions (Temporary onsite waste treatment)
How to prepare and submit an application
How to apply for a permit
Relevant guidance
This guidance may inform your state of knowledge but does not define it. State of knowledge is all the information you should reasonably know about managing your business's risks.
Environment Protection Regulations 2021
Assessing and controlling risk: a guide for business (publication 1695)
Reasonably practicable (publication 1856)
Industry guidance: supporting you to comply with the general environmental duty (publication 1741)
Waste classification assessment protocol (publication 1827)
Sampling and analysis of waters, wastewaters, soils and wastes (publication IWRG701)
Soil sampling (publication IWRG702)
Interim position statement on PFAS (publication 1669)
Waste classification assessment protocol (publication 1827)
Waste disposal categories - characteristics and thresholds (publication 1828)
Reasonably practicable (publication 1856)
Liquid storage and handling guidelines (publication 1698)
Management and storage of combustible recyclable and waste materials – guideline (publication 1667)
Guide to classifying industrial waste (publication 1968)
PFAS National Environment Management Plan 2.0
WorkSafe Australia Labelling of Workplace Hazardous Chemicals Code of Practice
Waste disposal categories – characteristics and thresholds (publication 1828)
Read next
Managing waste soil
Reportable priority waste
Waste duties
Reviewed 23 November 2021