The waste duties apply to all types of waste including waste soil. You must classify all industrial waste, including soil, to meet your waste duties.
Classifying waste soil before transportation
Classifying waste soil helps you determine the waste code and type before transportation. Refer to our Guide to classifying industrial waste (publication 1968) to help you classify the waste.
To meet your industrial waste duties, you must classify soil to find a lawful place to dispose of it.
To meet your priority waste duties, you must classify priority waste soil in accordance with the:
- Environment Protection Act 2017 (the Act)
You need to determine the priority waste category if soil is going to landfill. The priority waste categories for soil are Category A, B, C , D and soil containing asbestos only. The priority waste category tells you which landfill the soil can go to, and which waste levy applies.
Priority waste categories for soil
The priority waste category tells you which landfills can receive waste, and the waste levy you need to pay.
If you are managing soil, the priority waste category also helps you decide what you can do with it. For example treating it or containing it on a project site.
There are two priority waste categories that apply only to soil:
- Category D soils
- soil containing asbestos only.
Categories A, B and C may also apply to soil.
When to determine the priority waste category for soil
If waste soil comes from contaminated land , determine the priority waste category as soon as possible after it’s dug up.
For waste soil from another site, or waste soil not from contaminated land, determine the category before transporting soil.
Soil sampling
You may need to sample soil to classify and categorise it correctly.
Follow EPA guidance to make sure you use a consistent approach when taking soil samples. Refer to Soil sampling (IWRG702) to find out about:
- preliminary site investigations
- the number of samples required for the volume of soil
- suggested sampling grids
- calculation procedures.
Check the contaminant or leachable concentration thresholds in Waste disposal categories – characteristics and thresholds (publication 1828) to determine the priority waste category.
Waste levy for soil
A levy applies when sending waste soil to landfill. The more hazardous the soil is, the higher the cost of disposal.
Learn more about managing waste soil
Reviewed 15 May 2024