2486 results
Controls such as biofilters can help your business to eliminate or reduce the risks of harm from odour...
Protecting human health
Find out how EPA protects human health from pollution and waste...
Regional sensor network
EPA's air monitoring network has been expanded in Regional Victoria...
Dairy farm effluent and the environment
Find out how liquid waste and sewage from dairy farms can impact waterways. Includes the law on dairy farm effluent and EPA’s role...
Campbellfield Bin Hire Company Fined
Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has fined a Campbellfield company over $8,000, for depositing mixed construction and demolition waste at a site in Preston that was not licensed to...
Smoking can be expensive, but littering can be worse
A Ferntree Gully woman has been ordered to pay hundreds of dollars in costs after dropping a lit cigarette from a car at Boronia. Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) charged the woman...
Apply for an A18 permission
Check the requirements before you submit your application for waste discharge to an aquifer...
Environmental health monitoring Sunshine
Find out about testing and monitoring to prevent risks to human health and the environmental at closed Sunshine landfills...
Environmental monitoring at the Ravenhall landfill
EPA is monitoring odour and leachate at the Melbourne Regional Landfill in Ravenhall...
Level Crossing Removal Project: EPA’s role
EPA provides advice on the Level Crossing Removal Project, and made submissions to the EES process...