2460 results

  1. National Science Week

    Get involved in National Science Week. Free events across Australia, including EPA-hosted panel discussions you can livestream...

  2. SBI charged over alleged licence breach

    EPA has taken further action against a Cranbourne West industrial landfill operator, charging SBI with breaching its licence to operate a landfill.  Yesterday (3 Oct) EPA suspended SBI’s...

  3. Permissions notifications

    Find out when and what to notify EPA of under your permission type...

  4. New Chief Executive for EPA announced

    The Governing Board of Environment Protection Authority Victoria is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Lee Miezis as the next Chief Executive Officer of EPA. Mr Miezis joined EPA in February...

  5. EPA issues Show Cause notice to Kealba Landfill operator

    Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has served a notice on the Barro Group, the owners and operators of the Kealba landfill, requiring it to show cause why its licence to operate at the...

  6. Smog and your health

    Smog can impact human health. Find out how, and what you can do to help prevent it...

  7. Managing dairy waste and stock after a flood

    Pollutants from dairy farm effluents (liquid waste and sewage) can wash into waterways after rainfall. Before the rainy season or a known heavy rain event, try to make sure your effluent ponds have...

  8. Transporting hazardous waste

    You need a permit to transport prescribed industrial waste. From 1 July 2021, PIW becomes reportable priority waste and new permissions apply...

  9. Barro Group licence to operate Sunshine landfill cancelled

    EPA Victoria has cancelled Barro Group’s licence to operate its Sunshine Landfill site at Kealba.     The decision followed careful assessment of information Barro Group...

  10. Water

    Find out how we protect marine and freshwater environments in Victoria. Includes how to reuse and recycle water...