2457 results

  1. F1026: Exemption for transporting reportable priority waste application

    Use this form to apply for an exemption under section 68 of the Environment Protection Act 2017 (the Act). Submit the completed form and all supporting evidence via the EPA Portal...

  2. IWRG424: Contaminated soil – organic compounds — Classification for reuse

    EPA Victoria has issued a classification for the management of contaminated soils, which contain the following types of organic compounds:· total petroleum hydrocarbons· monocyclic aromatic...

  3. IWRG431: Arsenic in mine tailings, sand and rock

    This publication provides information on the procedures and conditions required by EPA for the use of mine tailings, sand and rock which contains arsenic...

  4. S107: Industrial Waste Management Policy National Pollutant Inventory

    This Gazette is also available at www.gazette.vic.gov.au/gazette/Gazettes1998/GG1998S107.pdf (from the Victoria Government Gazette website)...


    Bendigo Magistrates' Court
  6. Brett William Beattie

  7. Betta Foods Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 006 278 299)

  8. Barwon Region Water Authority

  9. Australian Power Partners B.V.
