156 results

  1. Land and groundwater guidance

    Businesses must manage their pollution risks to land and groundwater. Find out about site contamination and underground petroleum storage systems...

  2. New standards for recreational water quality

    EPA has new short-term standards for summer reporting of water quality...

  3. Apply to amend or review a remedial notice under the 1970 Act

    Remedial notices are directions EPA may give you as a business to prevent any danger to human health, life or the environment...

  4. About Waste Tracker

    Our new waste tracking system will help you meet your obligations under the Environment Protection Act 2017, electronic waste transport certificates, reportable priority waste, EPA portal...

  5. How to store and transport waste tyres

    Guidance for safely storing tyres both indoors and outdoors...

  6. How to dispose of bushfire waste

    Find out how to dispose of bushfire waste such as dead animals, spoilt milk and building rubble...

  7. Composting guidance for operators

    This guideline provides composting operators information about their obligations to protect human health and the environment...

  8. Alternative water supplies and use

    Alternative water supplies can be used in Victoria. Find out what they are and how to use them...

  9. About wastewater

    Find out about different types of wastewater and their potential impact on human health and the environment...

  10. How to manage your own onsite wastewater system

    Find out how you can re-use water from your septic system. Includes septic system maintenance...