Designing, constructing and operating composting facilities (publication 1588) provides information on composting operators' obligations under laws administered by EPA. It applies to operators of thermophilic aerobic composting sites, (where heat and oxygen are used). Specifically, it:

  • provides composting operators with advice on how to design, construct and manage composting facilities in a manner that protects human health and the environment in Victoria
  • will be used to inform EPA decision making for facilities that require research, design and demonstration approvals, works approvals and licences
  • will be used by EPA as a guide for how premises could resolve issues of non-compliance.

The scope of this guideline is restricted to thermophilic aerobic composting processes only. It does not cover the entire range of organic waste processing activities that are scheduled under A07 in the Environment Protection (Scheduled Premises) Regulations 2017. It does not cover anaerobic digestion, vermiculture, dehydration or the composting of contaminated wastes for the purpose of bioremediation.

The guideline has undergone minor amendments to reflect changes in the Scheduled Premises Regulations. The Environment Protection (Scheduled Premises) Regulations 2017 changed the A07 category description from Composting to Organic waste processing, and amended the premises description to provide greater clarity for industry and EPA assessors.

Composting animal mortalities on farms 

A guide of composting methods for small to large animal mortalities.

This guidance demonstrates how to safely compost dead animals on farms. It will help farmers dispose of farm mortalities in a bio-secure method that can produce beneficial soil by-product.  

The guideline is only for use in composting a small number of animals. It is does not apply to the management and disposal of large numbers of animal mortalities that result from a disease outbreak. 

This document focuses on two composting methods to process animal carcasses weighing more than five kilograms: 

  • Mortality bin composting for small to medium carcasses (up to the size of a sheep or pig) 
  • Mortality pile composting for large carcasses (a cow or horse)

Follow the link to the full guide: Composting mortalities on farms

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Hazardous waste management

Temporary storage of prescribed industrial waste (PIW)

Transporting prescribed industrial waste (PIW)

Used packaging materials

How to store waste tyres


This page was copied from EPA's old website. It was last updated on 27 June 2017.

Reviewed 14 March 2023