2494 results
Media release: EPA fines Benalla particle board company again
Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has fined a Benalla particle board manufacturer more than $8,000 over stockpiles of combustible materials that failed to meet with fire suppression...
Community conference: Warrnambool wastewater treatment plant upgrade
EPA received a works approval application from Wannon Region Water Corporation (WRWC). The application proposes to upgrade the WRWC sewage treatment plant in Elliot Street, Warrnambool. The...
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Notices for Hallam and Laverton North recyclers
EPA has issued notices to three recycling companies that prohibits them from accepting any new combustible recyclable waste materials until their stockpiles meet compliance requirements. The...
EPA inspection at Fish Creek leads to a fine
Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has fined a farming company for setting up a dairy effluent pond in the bed of an existing waterway where it could overflow into Fish Creek. EPA...
Use bird scarer guns appropriately
Farmers and orchardists misusing scare guns to frighten birds away from their crops need to better understand the regulations governing their use, according to the EPA which often receives complaints...
La Nina to affect summer water quality
On the eve of summer starting, could our normal dip in the bay be at risk because of Australia’s La Nina weather alert? Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) publishes a twice-daily...
Stony Creek Rehabilitation Plan
Annual Report Card 2020-21 EPA continues to work with Melbourne Water, Maribyrnong City Council, the City of Brimbank and the local community to rehabilitate and protect Stony Creek following the...
Notification - EPA AirWatch
Two air monitoring sites in EPA’s statewide network have been decommissioned this week, at Campbellfield and Newborough. Both sites were installed as short term projects and have now completed...
Cherry Creek pollution update
The next stage of clean up works at Cherry Lake in Melbourne’s west is well underway, with EPA monitoring showing pollution levels have dropped significantly. Given these results, Melbourne...
EPA's Broderick Road Clean Up Project nearing completion
Almost 90 per cent of the total waste onsite at the start of the Broderick Road Clean Up Project has now been removed. Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) Broderick...