During the fire at MRI in August, EPA was a support agency. Our role was to provide Fire Rescue Victoria with information about air and water quality. We have continued to visit the site, and monitor the local environment.
Our environmental monitoring
Monitoring air quality
During the incident, EPA installed incident air quality monitoring equipment near the site of the fire. We published air quality information on EPA AirWatch to help the community to take steps to protect their health.
Monitoring water quality
EPA officers tested firewater from the site. The firewater contained metals, burnt plastics and detergents from firefighting.
A large amount of firewater entered nearby Merlynston Creek, and flowed into Jack Roper Reserve. Our latest sampling results from Merlynston Creek and Jack Roper Reserve show that contaminants have returned to pre-fire levels.
We are currently assessing sediments in the affected waterways.
Hume City Council has erected signs in the area with advice about recreational water use. See your doctor if you become unwell after being in contact with the water.
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Reviewed 3 December 2020