The designation has three main risk control measures:
- Feedstock controls
- Pasteurisation requirements
- Contamination thresholds
Feedstock controls
The designation specifies what feedstocks you can use for producing low-risk digestate. Some feedstocks are classified as elevated risk. Digestate produced with elevated risk feedstocks need additional pasteurisation. You can see the pasteurisation requirements below.
The designation does not allow biosolids or sewage sludge. This is due to the high risks of contamination from these waste types.
Pasteurisation requirements
The designation has two options for pasteurisation. You must apply one of these options to comply with the pasteurisation requirements of the designation.
- Process-based pasteurisation
- Outcome-based pasteurisation
Process-based pasteurisation
The process-based pasteurisation option uses time and temperature for reducing risk.
Low-risk feedstocks must meet one of the process-based pasteurisation requirements. Elevated-risk feedstocks must undergo both process-based pasteurisation requirements.
Digestion or pasteurisation requirements
Low-risk feedstocks
- For anaerobic digestion (AD): maintain temperature at 55°C or above for a minimum of 72 hours
- For treatment pre-AD or post-AD: maintain temperature at 70°C or above for a minimum of one hour.
Elevated-risk feedstocks
- For anaerobic digestion (AD): maintain temperature at 55°C or above for a minimum of 72 hours
- For treatment pre-AD or post-AD: maintain temperature at 70°C or above for a minimum of one hour.
Outcome-based pasteurisation
Using this option, you need control risks with:
- a risk assessment
- process validation
- a monitoring program
- microbial contaminant thresholds.
These requirements are specific to the outcome-based pasteurisation option. However, we expect you to understand this information to produce safe digestate.
Contamination thresholds
The designation sets out contamination limits for chemical, physical and microbial contaminants. The digestate cannot exceed the specified upper limits for any of the contaminants and pathogen indicators set out in Appendix 1 of the designation.When using digestate, you should also consider the impacts of any other contaminants of concern, which may be present but are not be listed within the designation, and ensure that you are effectively managing your risks of harm and meeting your obligations under the GED.
Risk assessment
The risk assessment must:- identify potential biological hazards associated with the feedstocks and process used
- show how the process reduces these risks
- provide metrics and parameters for risk reduction
- include assessment for typical and foreseeable atypical operating conditions and situations.
The outcome-based pasteurisation method must show:
- a reduction in indicator organisms
- the material is below the thresholds for microbial contamination.
Monitoring program
- monitoring process parameters
- adequate sampling
- analysis to show the findings.
You must determine the frequency of monitoring and validation in line with best practice for risk management.
You must maintain the following documents and records:
- the process and risk assessment of the process
- validation test records
- records of implementation of the monitoring program, including sampling and analysis
- sampling and test records and analysis.
Reviewed 29 January 2024