Step one: Log in
Log in to the EPA portal.
Step two: Open the Manage waste menu
In the Manage waste menu, choose the relevant dashboard.
Note that you may see a different range of options depending on which role you’re logged in as.
Step three: Waste record
In the dashboard you’ll see a list of your waste records.
Enter the waste record number in the search bar and click the magnifying glass. You can also sort by clicking any of the column headings.
Step four: Select record
Click the dropdown arrow to the right of the relevant waste record and choose Email record.
Step five: Email record
Type in the email address you want to send the record to and click Submit. You can only enter one email address at a time.
A PDF of the record with all available information will be sent to the email address you entered. This includes whether the waste is classified as dangerous goods and transport and receipt information.
A confirmation screen will appear to confirm the waste record has been emailed.
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Reviewed 10 February 2023