Noise limits applicable to WEFs in Victoria must be determined in accordance with the relevant noise standard subject to regulation 131BA(2) and (3) of the Regulations. The relevant noise standard for a WEF is:

  • NZS 6808:2010 (2010 Standard) for WEFs with an authorising document issued on or after 1 January 2011 or an authorising document amended to require compliance with the 2010 Standard
  • NZS 6808:1998 (1998 Standard) for WEFs authorised before 1 January 2011 that have not had approvals amended to require compliance with the 2010 Standard
  • the 2010 Standard or the 1998 Standard as modified or replaced by the authorising document. 

In general, under the 2010 Standard and the 1998 Standard a noise limit of 40 dB(A) or background sound level +5 dB (whichever is the greater) is considered an acceptable limit for noise sensitive areas 4  (standard acceptable noise limit).

The noise limit for premises subject to an agreement made in accordance with regulation 131A is as specified in the agreement (for agreements before 1 November 2021), or the greater of 45 dB(A) or the background sound level + 5 dB (for agreements made on or after 1 November 2021).

Background sound level is determined by regression analysis of sound level and wind speed measurements in accordance with the 2010 Standard or 1998 Standard, as applicable.

Regulation 131BA (3) also allows for noise limits for WEFs required to be measured and assessed under the 1998 Standard to have extraneous noise excluded from the background noise level data set in accordance with the 2010 Standard (by applying the procedures that relate to extraneous noise in section 7.2 of the 2010 Standard).

Noise limits do not apply during construction or commissioning

The requirements for WEFs in Division 5 of Part 5.3 of the Regulations and the noise limits in the 1998 Standard and 2010 Standard do not apply during the construction or commissioning period. Noise during these phases is regulated by the relevant planning authority.  

During the period between any wind turbine first generating power and the post-construction compliance assessment, the WEF operator should ensure that the wind turbine sound levels are consistent with the sound levels predicted in the approval documentation. To help manage risks of noncompliance where predicted noise levels are close to the noise limits, it is good practice to conduct initial sound level measurements following the operation of the first turbines to verify the predicted levels.

Application of high amenity area noise limit

The standard acceptable noise limit is appropriate at most noise sensitive areas.  The 2010 standard also describes a high amenity area (HAA) limit, to be considered in specific areas requiring a higher degree of protection of amenity related to the sound environment of a particular area in the evening or at night. 

In Victoria the HAA limit:

  • should apply to a dwelling located in the following zones predominantly intended for residential development: Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ), Township Zone (TZ), Rural Living Zone (RLZ), Green Wedge A Zone (GWAZ) and Rural Conservation Zone (RCZ)
  • should not apply to the Farming Zone (FZ)
  • should not be applied in any location where background sound levels are already affected by other specific sources such as road traffic noise 
  • only applies for WEF wind speeds up to and including 6 m/s
  • is applicable only when there is no agreement made in accordance with regulation 131A.

The Environment Reference Standard defines natural areas where the environmental value of ‘human tranquility and enjoyment outdoors in natural areas’ applies. In some circumstances, HAA limits may be applied to campgrounds, caravan parks and tourist establishment in such natural areas, where this environmental value is considered to be relevant.

Consistent with section 5.3 of the 2010 Standard, where an HAA noise limit applies, the base wind turbine noise limit should be 35 dB(A) for wind speeds ≤ 6 m/s at hub height. Above 6 m/s the base wind turbine noise limit should be 40 dB(A) (that is, the standard acceptable noise limit). Where an HAA noise limit does not apply, the base wind turbine noise limit should be 40 dB(A) at all wind speeds. In all cases, the relative limit of ‘background sound level +5 dB’ applies if background sound level is higher than the base wind turbine noise limit.

The 1998 Standard does not include a provision for HAA limits.

Staged developments and cumulative noise

In accordance with section 5.6.1 of the 2010 Standard, the noise limits (including HAA limits) apply to the cumulative sound level of all WEFs affecting any individual noise sensitive area. Sections 5.6.2–5.6.4 of the 2010 Standard provide guidance on how to determine and apply these noise limits.

To facilitate the assessment of potential WEF developments, or the installation of additional turbines by third parties, it is important for the WEF operator to have available:

  • all background and WEF noise level measurements undertaken for the development of their project
  • sound level predictions based on the final turbine layout and type
  • compliance measurement reports. 

This is particularly relevant for existing WEF permit holders seeking to progress developments approved based on the 1998 Standard, since the 2010 Standard explicitly addresses the cumulative effects from multiple WEFs or those developed in stages.

This is also consistent with the requirements for an NMP set out in regulation 131E(2)(a), which include procedures for the identification, assessment and control of risks of harm to human health and the environment from wind turbine noise.



[4]For the purposes of this guideline, ‘noise sensitive areas’ has the same meaning as ‘noise sensitive locations’ in the 1998 Standard and 2010 Standard.

Reviewed 26 January 2024