
This guide provides general guidance on how to recognise potentially unreasonable noise. It also contains general information on how the duties under the Environment Protection framework relating to noise may be complied with. It is intended for business operators and regulators.


This guide provides general guidance on what may constitute unreasonable noise from non-residential premises, including:

  • commercial, industrial and trade premises
  • indoor entertainment venues
  • outdoor entertainment venues and events
  • construction and demolition sites
  • transport infrastructure such as roads and railways.

It also covers aggravated noise from:

  • commercial, industrial and trade premises
  • entertainment venues
  • events.

Noise from residential premises is not within the scope of this guide. Find out about unreasonable noise from residential premises on Residential noise and the law.

This guide does not:

  • provide detailed industry-specific guidance on controlling risks associated with noise emissions. For industry-specific guidance see part 8 of this guide.
  • cover other laws and regulations that apply to noise in Victoria, for example, the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, local laws made under the Local Government Act 2020, and Victoria’s planning system.

The Act and its subordinate legislation do not set standards for hearing conservation. This is addressed by occupational health and safety legislation.


EPA guidance does not impose compliance obligations. Guidance is designed to help duty holders understand their obligations under the Environment Protection Act 2017 and subordinate instruments, including by providing examples of approaches to compliance. In doing so, guidance may refer to, restate, or clarify EPA’s approach to statutory obligations in general terms.

It does not constitute legal or other professional advice and should not be relied on as a statement of the law. Because it has broad application, it may contain generalisations that are not applicable to you or your particular circumstances.

You should obtain professional advice or contact EPA if you have specific concerns. EPA has made every reasonable effort to provide current and accurate information, but does not make any guarantees regarding the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information.

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Reviewed 1 May 2023