Terms defined in the Environment Protection Act 2017 and the Environment Protection Regulations 2021.
Terms References
aggravated noise Act section 168, regulations 121, 127 and 131
alternative assessment criterion regulation 4
alternative assessment criterion regulation 4
concert regulation 4
day and evening period regulation 123
effective noise level regulation 4
frequency regulation 4
frequency spectrum regulation 4
general environmental duty (GED) Act section 25
harm Act section 4
indoor entertainment venue regulation 4
 live music entertainment venue  regulation 4
 music  regulation 4
 music noise  regulation 4
night period regulation 123 (music noise from indoor entertainment venues)
noise Act section 3(1)
noise limit regulation 4
Noise Protocol regulation 4
noise sensitive area regulation 4
operating time periods regulation 123 (music noise from indoor entertainment venues)
pollution Act section 3(1)
residential premises Act section 165
rural area regulation 4
 standard operating hours regulation 128 (outdoor entertainment venue)
regulation 129 (outdoor entertainment event)
unreasonable noise Act section 3(1)

Reviewed 14 June 2024