This privacy collection statement sets out how we collect, retain and use information about gift offers.

We collect, retain and use information about gifts offered because of a person’s role at EPA, including:

  • Governing Board members
  • subcommittee members
  • employees and other workplace participants.

This includes gifts made to close friends, relatives and associates of Board members, subcommittee members and employees.

Gift offers can include gifts, benefits and hospitality made by an external person or organisation to EPA.

The EPA Gifts, benefits and hospitality policy (publication 1746) sets out the information we’ll record, retain and use.

Why we collect, retain and use information

We collect, retain and use information about gift offers made to EPA to:

  • help make sure our policy is effective and meets our legal obligations
  • follow good public sector governance practice
  • promote transparency, consistency and accountability in public sector decision making
  • comply with the minimum accountabilities for the management of gifts, benefits and hospitality.

How to view information

If you or your organisation offers a gift to EPA, you can view the information we record. To do this, contact

We also publish a ‘de-identified’ copy of our gifts register on our website.

EPA register of gift, benefit and hospitality offers: 2017-2018 (publication 1747)

EPA register of gift, benefit and hospitality offers: 2018-2019 (publication 1808)

Only information on reportable gifts is recorded in the gifts register. Although we record, retain and use information about both ‘reportable’ and ‘token’ gifts, only information on reportable gifts is recorded in the gifts register.

Background to the gift offers privacy collection statement

EPA is part of the public sector. We must comply with laws and obligations including the:

  • Public Administration Act 2004
  • Minimum accountabilities for the management of gifts, benefits and hospitality issued by the Victorian Public Sector Commission
  • Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

We’ve published this privacy collection statement in line with the Privacy Principles in Schedule 1 of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

Reviewed 23 December 2019