2371 results

  1. East Gippsland businesses inspected

    EPA Victoria spent four days last week in East Gippsland inspecting more than 30 businesses across Bairnsdale, Orbost, Mallacoota and surrounding areas. While some businesses were found to be...

  2. DSE0603: Rainwater use in and around the home

    Using rainwater in and around your home is an easy and effective way to conserve Victoria's precious water supplies and reduce the amount of mains water you use.This pamphlet provides information...

  3. 1977.1: Guide to the duty to manage contaminated land

    The Environment Protection Act 2017 (the Act) aims to ensure that risks to human health and the environment from contaminated land are minimised so far as reasonably practicable. Section 39(2) of the...

  4. 1953: Tetrachlorethene (PCE) from vapour intrusion and your health

    Tetrachloroethene, also known as tetrachloroethylene, perchloroethene or PCE is a colourless liquid industrial chemical that is widely used at dry cleaners, metal finishers and in electronics...

  5. 1991: Responding to harm caused by pollution

    This guidance is designed to help you understand what you need to do after a pollution incident occurs...

  6. Lemon Springs April update

    EPA Victoria has safely excavated and removed all waste from the 32 burial sites at Lemon Springs. Eighteen of these sites have been backfilled with clean soil.   EPA is nearing the final...

  7. Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co Ltd

  8. Hopley Recycling Pty Ltd (ACN 151 584 020)

  9. ALI IBRAHIM, Ibrahim

  10. Adam David Parkin
