Date of offence
Between 01 Jan 2009 and 23 Jul 2009
Type of offence
Deposit industrial waste at an unlicensed site at Carrum Downs between 01.01.09 and 23.07.09, contrary to s.27A(2)(a).
Background of offence
An EPA investigation revealed that, between January - July 2009  Adam Parkin deposited industrial waste at a premises in Carrum Downs. The premises was not licensed to receive industrial waste.
Remedial action taken by EPA
Clean Up Notice

Clean Up Notice issued pursuant to section 62A of the EP Act.
Date of court hearing
8 February 2013
Date of court order
8 February 2013
Court magistrate
Judicial Registrar Mr R. O’Keefe
Court location
Reasons for prosecution
In accordance with the Compliance and Enforcement Policy this matter involved a degree of culpability and was linked of the Illegal Dumping Strike Force Program.

Court orders made

Convicted and fined $1,000.

Costs: $2,500

Reviewed 12 March 2020