2371 results

  1. Litter stats

    EPA’s annual and monthly litter reporting statistics...

  2. Erosion and sediment examples

    Work-based examples from EPA Victoria showing what you can do to prevent harm from erosion and sediment, including examples of controls you could put in place...

  3. Sanctions

    How EPA uses sanctions to enforce the law and make sure people comply...

  4. Air quality

    Learn how poor air quality impacts human health, how EPA works to improve air quality and how you can help...

  5. How to manage and store combustible recyclable and waste materials

    Managers of waste and resource recovery facilities must comply with the CRWM (combustible recyclable and waste materials) waste management policy...

  6. Recreational fishing

    Find out about safe levels of mercury in recreationally caught fish. Includes where fish with high levels of mercury are caught...

  7. Reject grouped waste in the app

    Find out how a receiver can reject grouped waste in EPA’s waste tracker mobile app...

  8. Audit of waste levy statements

    How EPA audits licensed landfill sites to verify the correct amount of landfill levy has been paid...

  9. 2012-13 Local government kerbside recycling report

    Find out how local governments’ kerbside recycling services performed in 2012-13...