105 results

  1. PM2.5 particles in the air

    Find out where PM2.5 particles come from, how they can impact our health and how to check air quality...

  2. Stormwater

    Learn how to use stormwater, how stormwater gets polluted and what we can do to reduce its impacts on the environment...

  3. Hazardous chemicals and asbestos in your home

    Hazardous chemical waste and asbestos in your home must be managed. Find out how...

  4. Airborne dust

    Dust is a common air pollutant that reduces air quality. Smaller particles, or ‘fine’ dust, are more likely to impact human health...

  5. West Gate Tunnel Project : works approval and Environment Effects Statement

    Read the EPA-issued works approval for the West Gate Tunnel Project, and EPA's submission to the Environment Effects Statement...

  6. Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the environment

    PFAS move easily through the environment through surface water runoff and leaching to groundwater. EPA has an ambient emerging contaminants project and a biota emerging contaminants project...

  7. Monitoring investigation levels for air toxics

    The National Environment Protection Council made the National Environment Protection (Air Toxics) Measure in 2004. The monitoring investigation levels are the concentrations of an air toxic which, if...

  8. Air pollution and visibility

    Smoke, fog and humid air can affect how far we see into the distance. Find out how to check visibility and air quality in Victoria...

  9. Managing flood-impacted septic systems

    Managing flood-affected septic systems Onsite wastewater management systems (commonly known as septic tanks) are used on residential, community and business premises.  If your property has been...

  10. Household waste

    How to manage and recycle household waste. Includes landfills, hazardous waste and how to report litter...