156 results

  1. Construction noise

    Learn about construction noise, how the restrictions apply and what you can do about it...

  2. Storing e-waste

    Businesses that store e-waste before it is reprocessed must take due care to avoid leakages, to avoid hazardous substances being released into the air, water or soil, and to minimise risks of fire...

  3. About groundwater

    Groundwater is water that collects or flows beneath the soil surface, filling the porous spaces in soil, sand, clay and rocks. Groundwater pollution is usually the result of poor environmental care...

  4. How to view waste records on a map in the waste tracker app

    Drivers can view the pick-up and drop-off locations of records on a map in the Waste Tracker app. This guide explains the map functions and how to view records on the map. Step one: Log in Log in to...

  5. Ministerial Direction 19

    Ministerial Direction 19 requires planning authorities to seek early advice from EPA when undertaking strategic planning processes and preparing planning scheme amendments that may significantly...

  6. Odour advice for businesses

    Guidance for business from EPA Victoria on how your business can eliminate or reduce the risks of harm from odour...

  7. Landfill licensing updates

    EPA regularly updates and improves the landfill licensing process...

  8. Environment Reference Standard

    The Environment Reference Standard defines outcomes Victorians want for human health and the environment...

  9. Erosion and sediment examples

    Work-based examples from EPA Victoria showing what you can do to prevent harm from erosion and sediment, including examples of controls you could put in place...

  10. How to manage and store combustible recyclable and waste materials

    Managers of waste and resource recovery facilities must comply with the CRWM (combustible recyclable and waste materials) waste management policy...