- Status
- Active
- Incident Date
- 25 January 2021
- Locations Affected
- Western metro
Key Messages
On Monday 25 January 2021, a fire broke out in a pile of building material at a landfill in Old Geelong Road, Brooklyn. Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) has brought the blaze under control.
Our role
FRV requested EPA attend the incident. FRV is investigating the cause of the fire, which will help us determine any ongoing compliance and enforcement action we will take.
We were able to provide advice regarding possible environmental impacts, and cleanup requirements. FRV has contained all firewater onsite.
Compliance and enforcement
The site is a transfer station, which backs onto a former landfill. It takes all types of waste, e-waste, green waste and skip bins.
The transfer station is not required to have an EPA licence. Following a fire in November 2018, EPA issued the operator of the site with a notice that covered:
- the size of their stockpile
- the way they manage it.
The operator prepared a fire and emergency plan for the site, and complied with the notice's stockpile requirements.
Environmental monitoring
Air quality
Air quality information is available from our air monitoring stations in Brooklyn and Altona North, which form part of EPA AirWatch monitoring network.
Our air monitoring showed elevated levels of PM10, which is caused by dust. Smoke from fires causes an increase in finer PM2.5 particles. It is likely that the Brooklyn Industrial Precinct is the source of dust causing high PM10 concentrations. We often measure higher PM10 concentrations in the area when there is a prevailing hot northerly wind.
Our officers attended the site and reported localised smoke impacts.
Health contacts
If you need medical advice for exposure to smoke, seek medical advice or call Nurse on Call on 1300 606 024.
Anyone experiencing wheezing, chest tightness and difficulty breathing should call Triple Zero (000).
Use multiple sources to stay informed
- www.emergency.vic.gov.au.
- VicEmergency Hotline - freecall 1800 226 226.
- VicEmergency app.
- Facebook or Twitter (#vicfires).
- Tune in to ABC Local Radio, commercial and designated community radio stations, or Sky News TV.
The following services can help you, or someone you know, access information during an emergency.
- To access this information in other languages call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 (freecall) and ask them to call VicEmergency Hotline.
- If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech/communication impairment contact National Relay Service on 1800 555 677 and ask them to call the VicEmergency Hotline.
Reviewed 12 April 2024