3 March 2022

The next live Build Aware webinar will be held on 3 March, hosted by our partners WorkSafe alongside Energy Safe Victoria and Victorian Building Authority.

Employers in the construction industry are encouraged to register for this the free webinar and understand their obligations to comply with building, construction, environment, plumbing, occupational health and safety laws..

Topics at this event include

  • How WorkSafe plan to ensure you keep workers safe on site
    Brian Chamberlin, Construction Education Officer (WorkSafe)
  • How you can manage people and mobile plant working near overhead and underground electrical assets Dave Clark and Barry Heywood (Energy Safe Victoria)
  • The Victorian Building Authority’s Proactive Inspection Program Aleks Golaboski, Team Leader, Inspection Services (Victorian Building Authority)
  • An overview of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and your lawful place and waste duties Mark Bannister, Manager, Waste and Land Policy and Regulation 

Register for the session

About the series

Established in 2016, Build Aware is an educational campaign that involves partnership between WorkSafe Victoria, Victorian Building Authority, Energy Safe Victoria, and Environment Protection Authority Victoria.

Build Aware increases the construction and demolition sectors awareness of environmental laws that apply to them, equips industry with new information, tools and support to prevent harm to human health and the environment. Targeted week-long activities are conducted three times a year, including presentations to apprentices at TAFEs, in-person information sessions and unannounced inspections.

In 2021/2022 Build Aware will be visiting Geelong, La Trobe and Bendigo. This year EPA will have a strong focus on:

  • waste management
  • sediment and erosion issues
  • the Environment Protection Act 2017.

Reviewed 4 March 2022