A business will send an invitation to a site where they are supplying waste under an A16 permit. You will need to accept this invitation before you can receive these waste records.

Step one: Log in

Log in to the EPA portal.

Login window

Step two: Navigate to invitations page

From the home screen select the down arrow next to your name and select 'Invitations'.

invitations page

Step three: Accept invitation

The Invitations dashboard shows a list of the invitations you’ve received.

You will see the person and company that sent you the invitation.

Choose the pending invitation you want to accept. Select the drop-down arrow and choose 'Accept' option.

accept invitation page

Step four: Add an entity

To enter details of the company or individual accepting the waste, select 'Add an Entity'. 

Select entity type: individual, sole trader, registered company, or government/not-for-profit organisation. 

A16 applicant type

Fill in the details about that entity.

Select 'Save' once you have completed all mandatory fields.

Adding multiple entities 

If a partnership or joint venture is accepting the waste, you need to add each entity involved.

Once you have finished adding entities select the primary entity from the list. The primary entity will be responsible for the waste records you receive.
add an entity page


selevct entity page

Step five: Select your location

Enter the location that will accept the waste in the search field or select the location from the map.

Check information and select 'Save and next'.

address location

Step six: Confirmation screen

A confirmation screen will appear once you have accepted the A16 receiver invitation.

confirmation page

Select 'Go back to invitations' to return to the invitation dashboard. The invitation dashboard will show all your pending and confirmed or accepted invitations.

Reviewed 4 April 2024