
  • These steps can be performed by Permission Administrators only.
  • Application contacts must be associated with the same organisation as the Permission Administrator.

How to view Landfill Cell applications associated with an organisation

1. Sign in to the EPA portal

EPA portal sign in

2. Navigate the My organisation menu option

Select the My organisation menu, then select the Applications - Landfill Cells item.

Landfill cells applications

3. View Landfill Cell applications

On the My Organisation’s applications – Landfill Cells page, a list of applications is displayed. 

These Landfill Cell applications have been created by Portal users who are associated with your organisation.

My organisations landfill cells applications

How to assign Landfill Cell applications to a different contact

1. Sign in to the EPA portal

EPA portal sign in

2. Navigate the My organisation menu option

Select the My organisation menu, then select the Applications - Landfill Cells item.

Landfill cells applications

3. Select a Landfill Cell application to assign

On the My Organisation's applications - Landfill Cells page, a list of landfill cell applications are displayed.

These applications are currently assigned to Portal users who are associated with your organisation.

Find an application on the list, and then select the small arrow at the right side of the table. Select Assign application from the pop-up menu.

My organisations Landfill celld applications

4. Open the list of application contacts

On the Reassign application page, select the magnifying glass to open the list of your organisation’s Portal users.

Reassign application

5. Select a new application contact

A list of your organisation’s Portal users will be displayed on this page. Scroll down the list to find a new application contact and then select the circle to the left of their name.

Next, click the Select button.

New application contact

6. Submit the new application contact selection

Back on the Reassign application page, select the Submit button.

Submit new contact
7. Confirm the application has been reassigned

Back on the My Organisation’s applications – Permissions, Exemptions, ADD, BEP & Waste Designations page, verify that the application has been successfully assigned to a new contact.

Landfill cells applications

8. Receive confirmation email

Check your email inbox for a notification from EPA Victoria regarding the assignment of the application.

Confirmation email


Reviewed 9 February 2024