EPA provides advice and guidance to planning authorities on a range of strategic planning processes.
Under Ministerial Direction 19 planning authorities must seek advice from EPA when commencing strategic planning activity that may result in impacts on:
- the environment
- amenity
- human health
due to pollution and waste.
In these circumstances, it’s best to involve EPA early before key decisions are made that may risk harm to the environment or human health.
After seeking EPA advice, planning authorities must provide the Minister for Planning with the following information:
- the written views of EPA including any supporting information and reports
- a written explanation of how the proposed amendment addresses any issues or matters raised by EPA.
Potentially contaminated land
EPA may also become involved in strategic planning when there’s a risk of contamination from previous land uses.
Potentially contaminated land is defined in Ministerial Direction No. 1 as land that’s:
- used or known to have been used for industry or mining
- used or known to have been used for the storage of chemicals, gas, waste or liquid fuel. Except for minor above-ground storage that’s in addition to other land use
- where a known past or present activity or event may have caused contamination of the land.
Buffer Area Overlay
Councils are required under section 8A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to provide the written views of EPA with any application for authorisation of an amendment that seeks to apply the Buffer Area Overlay, where EPA is the relevant authority.
This requirement is outlined in PPN92 - Managing buffers for land use compatibility.
Read next
Our approach to managing contamination in Victoria
Reviewed 27 February 2023