What it contains

EPA Strategic PlanLeaders worldwide are discussing with their communities what being ‘sustainable’ means and how to achieve sustainability.EPA’s contribution to working together to achieve sustainability is outlined in the EPA Strategic Plan - Reach to a Sustainable Future.The plan spells out our vision for future, mission and the strategic objectives being what we will focus all our work around:• DRIVE resource efficiency for sustainability• BUILD an ethic of environmental responsibility• SHARE and grow information and knowledge• CREATE lasting solutions through collaborationThe plan was developed in consultation with our people and our stakeholders and reflects the first part of an ongoing journey with our community about where we bring value to Victorians and the directions we will head for the next 5-10 years.We commit to regularly listen to our people and our stakeholders in the review and renewal of the plan as we continue to work towards a better environment for all Victorians.
Publication number
About EPA
Number of pages
Release date
18 February 2004

Reviewed 31 August 2023