What it contains

This document outlines:

  • the standard content of EPA operating licences, for both new and existing licence holders
  • how operating licences will differ compared with licences in the current legislative framework
  • EPA’s principles and approach for review of licence conditions.

It is a draft document, prepared solely for the purposes of consultation and advice in March 2020. It helps explain how licences under EPA’s current legislation (Environment Protection Act 1970) will differ under the new legislation when the Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 takes effect in July 2021. 

NOTE: Changes to operating licences have been postponed. The changes will now begin on 1 July 2021.

Publication 1850.1 replaces publication 1850 (March 2020). References to the commencement date of the new legislation were updated. No material changes were made to the document. 

Publication number
Number of pages
Release date
26 November 2020

Reviewed 31 August 2023