What it contains

The North East Link is a proposed new freeway standard road. The project requires the construction of twin tunnels connecting the Eastern Freeway and M80. Each tunnel would be approximately 6 km in length with connections to the interchanges at Manningham Road and Lower Plenty Road.

North East Link Project is a division of the Major Transport Infrastructure Authority and an administrative office of the Department of Transport (the proponent). It has proposed constructing a ventilation system for the twin tunnels. The proposed tunnel ventilation system requires a works approval from Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) under the Environment Protection Act 1970.

On 7 March 2019, EPA received a formal works approval application. On 28 February 2020, EPA approved the works approval application, subject to conditions. This is the non-technical summary of the full assessment report which is available on EPA's website

Publication number
Number of pages
Release date
28 February 2020

Reviewed 31 August 2023