- Code
- OL_G01
- Description
- A copy of this licence must be kept at the activity site and be easily accessible to persons who are engaging in an activity conducted at the activity site. Information regarding the requirements of the licence and the Act duties must be included in site induction and training information.
- Code
- OL_G02
- Description
- You must immediately notify the Authority by calling 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) in the event of:
a) A discharge, emission or deposit which gives rise to, or may give rise to, actual or potential harm to human health or the environment;
b) A malfunction, breakdown or failure of risk control measures at the activity site which could reasonably be expected to give rise to actual or potential harm to human health or the environment; or
c) Any breach of the licence.
- Code
- OL_G03
- Description
- You must notify the Authority within 48 hours of the occurrence of any the following:
(a) Any change to your name or address (including your registered address and activity site as applicable);
(b) You become, or are likely to become, an insolvent under administration;
(c) You become, or are likely to become, an externally administered company under the Corporations Act; or
(d) A change to an officer (as defined in the Act).
You must update your information in the EPA Interaction Portal if any other relevant administrative details for your business change.
- Code
- OL_G04a
- Description
- You must provide to the Authority with a Permission Information and Performance Statement (PIPS) in the form determined by the Authority within 2 months of receiving notification in writing from the Authority. The PIPS may be released to the public (in whole or in part).
- Code
- OL_G04b
- Description
- Information and monitoring records used for the preparation of, inclusion in, or support of, any reporting or notification that is required of you by the Authority (including data reporting, performance reporting, documents evidencing any risk and monitoring program) must be:
a) retained for five years; and
b) made available to the Authority on request.
- Code
- OL_G05
- Description
- 1. You must develop a risk management and monitoring program for your activities which:
(a) identifies all the risks of harm to human health and the environment which may arise from the activities you are engaging in at your activity site;
(b) clearly defines your environmental performance objectives;
(c) clearly defines your risk control performance objectives;
(d) describes how the environmental and risk control performance objectives are being achieved;
(e) identifies and describes how you will continue to eliminate or minimise the risks in 1(a) (above) so far as reasonably practicable (SFARP); and
(f) describes how the information collated in compliance with this clause, is or will be disseminated, used or otherwise considered by you or any other entity.
2. The risk management and monitoring program must be:
(a) documented in writing;
(b) signed by a duly authorised officer of the licensed entity; and
(c) made available to the Authority on request.
- Code
- OL_G06.02
- Description
- You must:
(a) provide the Authority with a financial assurance in a form and for an amount determined by the Authority, by a date specified by the Authority; and
(b) maintain such financial assurance (including any part of such assurance) so that it can be claimed on, utilised or realised by the Authority as and when required.
- Code
- OL_G07
- Description
- You must:
(a) develop and maintain a decommissioning plan that is in accordance with the current decommissioning guidelines published by the Authority;
(b) provide the decommissioning plan to the Authority upon request;
(c) supply to the Authority an updated detailed decommissioning plan 40 business days prior to commencement of decommissioning, if you propose to divest a section of the licensed site, cease part or all of the licensed activity or reduce the basis upon which the licence was granted to a point where licensing is no longer required; and
(d) decommission the licensed site in accordance with the detailed decommissioning plan, to the satisfaction of the Authority and within any reasonable timeframe which may be specified by the Authority.
- Code
- OL_WA01
- Description
- You must ensure all of the following:
a) Only waste of a type shown in Appendix 4 of this licence is accepted at the activity site; and
b) If it is identified that any waste has been received at the activity site that is of a type not shown in Appendix 4 in contravention of paragraph a) above, such waste must be placed in a designated and sign-posted temporary storage area and sent for disposal to a site licensed by the Authority to receive such waste within 21 days of the date it was received.
- Code
- OL_WA02
- Description
- Wastes accepted at the activity site may only be treated or disposed of in accordance with Appendix 4.
- Code
- OL_WM01
- Description
- You can store up to 50 kilolitres of J130 and T130-H liquid reportable priority wastes and 100 tonnes of N120 (Category C contaminated soil) at the activity site at any time.
- Code
- OL_WM02
- Description
- Each container holding waste at the activity site must be labelled so that the contents and the waste producer can be identified.
- Code
- OL_WM03
- Description
- You must ensure that litter originating from the activity site is not present beyond the boundaries of the activity site.
- Code
- OL_WM04
- Description
- You must ensure that waste does not burn at the activity site.
- Code
- OL_WM07
- Description
- All unloading, loading, processing, storage and general handling of contaminated water, reportable priority wastes, oils and chemicals must be conducted in accordance with Liquid Storage and Handling Guidelines (EPA Publication 1698).
- Code
- OL_WM11
- Description
- For all wastes of a type listed in Appendix 4, you must keep records of:
(a) incoming and outgoing movements of waste;
(b) the current location of waste at your activity site; and
(c) the waste type of any waste located at your activity site.
These records must be retained for five years and be made available to the Authority on request.
- Code
- OL_WM14
- Description
- All plant and equipment must be maintained and operated in proper working condition, in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.