These lists provide details of current auditors and accredited consigners appointed by EPA.

About auditors and consigners 

Contaminated land auditors

Name Company Contact details Appointment category
Adrian Hall Adrian Hall & Associates
GPO Box 2305
Adelaide SA 5001
0457 516 329
Contaminated land
Alex Blount WSP Australia Pty Ltd
Level 11, 567 Collins Street
Melbourne, 3000
03 8862 3798
0407 879 097
Contaminated land
Alyson Macdonald Australian Environmental Auditors
1 Ricketts Road
Mount Waverley Vic 3149
8542 7500
Contaminated land
Amanda Lee Sage Environmental Services
PO Box 4057
Balgowlah Heights NSW 2093
Contaminated land
Andrew Nunn JBS&G Australia P/L
Level 19, 31 Queen Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
03 9642 0599
Contaminated land
Bryden Tiddy Tetra Tech Coffey Pty Ltd  
Level 1, 23 West Fyans Street
Newtown Vic 3220
03 9290 7000
Contaminated land
Charlie Barber Australian Environmental Auditors
Suite 21, 1 Ricketts Road
Mount Waverley Vic 3149
Contaminated land
Christopher Sandiford Senversa P/L
Level 6, 15 William Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
0421 394 984
Contaminated land
Christian Wallis CDM Smith Australia P/L
Unit 1
Level 1 30 Wangaratta St
Richmond Vic 3121
0414 696 833
Contaminated land
Craig Barker c/o Ground Consulting P/L
257 Paluma Road
Woodwark, QLD, 4802
0402 779 004
Contaminated land
Dana Windle Environmental Resources Management
Australia Pty Ltd (ERM)
501 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000
0408 354 788
Contaminated land
Darren Bennetts Bluesphere Environmental P/L
115A Ferras Street
South Melbourne Vic 3205
Contaminated land
Darryl Strudwick Aecom Australia P/L
Tower Two
Level 10, 727 Collins Street
Melbourne Vic 3008
0427 373 510 
Contaminated land
David Lam Tetra Tech Coffey Pty Ltd  
Level 11, 2 Riverside Quay Southbank, VIC 3006
03 9290 7000
Contaminated land
David Nunn Aaa Environmental P/L
Townhouse 8
153 La Trobe Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
0407 526 074
Contaminated land
Doug Ahearne Senversa P/L
Level 6, 15 William Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
(03) 9606 0070
Contaminated land
Effie Nikolis GHD P/L
Level 9, 180 Lonsdale St
Melbourne Vic 3000
03 8687 8497
Contaminated land
Fouad Abo GHD P/L
BHP Billiton Centre
Level 8, 180 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
03 8687 8191
Contaminated land
Geoffrey Byrne Niboi Consulting P/L
PO Box 2212
Templestowe Lower Vic 3107
Contaminated land
Industrial facilities
Natural resources
Jean-Paul Pearce Australian Environmental Auditors
Unit 2, 181 Halifax Street
Adelaide SA 5000
08 8223 3488
Contaminated land
Joe Duran WSP Australia Pty Ltd
Level 11, 567 Collins Street
Melbourne, 3000
03 8862 3785
0498 376 104
Contaminated land
John Throssell GHD P/L
Level 8, 180 Lonsdale St
Melbourne Vic 3000
03 8687 8658
Contaminated land
Jonathan Medd CDM Smith Australia
1/30 Wangaratta Street
Richmond Vic 3121
0417 710 044
Contaminated land
Industrial facilities
Jonathan Thom Nation Partners
Level 3, 75–77 Flinders Lane
Melbourne Vic 3000
Contaminated land
Katherine Potter
Senversa P/L
Level 6, 15 William Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
0437 177 026 
Contaminated land
Ken Mival Ehs-Support
PO Box 2057
Hazeldene Vic 3658
0408 060 045
Contaminated land
Kristi Hanson Senversa P/L
Level 6, 15 William Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
03 9606 0070
Contaminated land
Kevin Masterton Australian Environmental Auditors
1 Ricketts Road
Mount Waverley Vic 3149
0458 388 987
Contaminated land
Lyndon Bell JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd
31 Queen St, L 19
Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
0422 496 236
Contaminated land
Louise Cartwright Epic Environmental Pty Ltd
95 North Qy, L 17, Brisbane City,
Brisbane, Queensland, 4000
1800 779 363
Contaminated land
Meredith Burgon Maple Auditing
PO Box 7095
Upper Ferntree Gully Vic 3165
0425 862 245
Contaminated land
Michael Charge Senversa P/L
Level 6, 15 William Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
03 9606 0070
Contaminated land
Michael Rehfisch Senversa P/L
Level 6, 15 William Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
03 9606 0070
Contaminated land
Michael Seignior Bluesphere Environmental P/L
113 Ferrars Street
South Melbourne Vic 3205
0417 289 589
Contaminated land
Mark Stuckey Environmental Earth Sciences P/L
Level 1, 98 Maribyrnong Street
Footscray Vic 3011
03 9687 1666
Contaminated land
Nicholas Owen Australian Environmental Auditors
Suite 21, 1 Ricketts Road
Mt Waverley Vic 3149
03 8542 7500
Contaminated land
Nicholas Woodford
Tetra Tech Coffey Pty Ltd  
Level 11, 2 Riverside Quay Southbank, VIC 3006
9290 7000 
Contaminated land
Paul Fridell Environmental Resources Management
PO Box 266
Docklands Vic 3005
Contaminated land
Peter Beck GHD P/L
BHP Billiton Centre
Level 8, 180 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
03 8687 8643
Contaminated land
Peter Mirkov Peraco P/L
Suite 314, 737 Burwood Road
Hawthorn East Vic 3123
(3) 9882 9752
Contaminated land
Peter Ramsay Peter J. Ramsay & Associates P/L
Level 10, 222 Kings Way
South Melbourne Vic 3205
03 9690 0522
Contaminated land
Industrial facilities
Philip Bayne SLR Consulting Australia P/L
Level 11, 176 Wellington Parade
East Melbourne Vic 3002
03 9249 9478
Contaminated land
Philip Mulvey Glaeba (03) P/L
Level 1, 98 Maribyrnong Street
Footscray Vic 3011
03 9687 1666
Contaminated land
Rebecca Fraser Ehs-Support
Suite 1005, 2 Queen Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
0452 197 352
Contaminated land
Robyn Madsen GHD P/L
BHP Billiton Centre
Level 8, 180 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
03 8687 8982
Contaminated land
Richard Griffin Senversa P/L
Level 6, 15 William Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
03 9606 0070
Contaminated land
Sally Bonham Vic Audits
PO Box 525
Bentleigh East Vic 3165
0405 192 478
Contaminated land
Stephen Cambridge Pivot Environmental 
77 Aberdeen Street
Newtown Vic 3220
0400 349 009
Contaminated land
Steve Bos Prensa P/L
PO Box 6058
Hawthorn West Vic 3122
(03) 9508 0100
Contaminated land
Steven Kirsanovs Kirsa Environmental P/L
PO Box 1243
Unley SA 5061
0412 944 411
Contaminated land
Tasos Katopodis GHD P/L
Level 15, 133 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000
02 9239 7400
Contaminated land
Timothy Russell Maple Auditing
PO Box 7095
Upper Ferntree Gully Vic 3165
0428 556 060
Contaminated land
Timothy Vass Tonkin & Taylor P/L
99 Coventry Street
Southbank Vic 3006
0407 306 607
Contaminated land
Tony Hill Senversa P/L
Level 6, 15 William Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
0423 286 341
Contaminated land

Industrial facility auditors

Name Company Contact details Appointment category
Anthony Kortegast Tonkin & Taylor P/L
PO Box 5305
South Melbourne Vic 3205
03 9863 8686
Industrial facilities
Brian Eva Eva & Associates P/L
PO Box 2163
East Malvern Vic 3145
03 9822 3454
Industrial facilities
Bruce Dawson WSP Australia Pty Ltd
Level 11, 567 Collins Street
Melbourne, 3000
03 8862 3774
0401 714 823
Industrial facilities
Doris Pallozzi KPMG
Tower Two, Collins Square
727 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3008
03 9288 6171
Industrial facilities
Geoffrey Byrne Niboi Consulting P/L
PO Box 2212
Templestowe Lower Vic 3107
Contaminated land
Industrial facilities
Natural resources
John Nolan Nolan Consulting P/L
31 Knox Drive
Barwon Heads Vic 3227
0410 099 314
Industrial facilities
Natural resources
Jonathan Medd CDM Smith Australia
1/30 Wangaratta Street
Richmond Vic 3121
0417 710 044
Contaminated land
Industrial facilities
Peter Ramsay Peter J. Ramsay & Associates P/L
Level 10, 222 Kings Way
South Melbourne Vic 3205
03 9690 0522
Contaminated land
Industrial facilities
Rohan Ash Smec Australia P/L
PO Box 23027
Docklands Vic 8012
03 9514 1664
Industrial facilities
Stephen Jenkins Envirorisk Management P/L
PO Box 183
Lara Vic 3212
03 5282 3773
Industrial facilities
Suanna Harvey Senversa P/L
Level 6, 15 William Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
0438 577 025
Industrial facilities
Wajahat (Waji) Bajwa Bajwa EnviroConsult P/L
Level 21, 459 Collins Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
03 9989 2472
0416 096 394
Industrial facilities

Natural resource auditors

Name Company Contact details Appointment category
Geoffrey Byrne Niboi Consulting P/L
PO Box 2212
Templestowe Lower Vic 3107
Contaminated land
Industrial facilities
Natural resources
John Nolan Nolan Consulting P/L
31 Knox Drive
Barwon Heads Vic 3227
0410 099 314
Industrial facilities
Natural resources

Accredited consigners

Name Company ID number Waste Postcode/suburb
Andrew Gowans  Merton Consulting Pty Ltd.  EXT001293
  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations
Andrew Jacob Focus Environmental EXT001155
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations
Andrew Swann Circular Resources Australia EXT001127
  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations 
Bryan Dance
Nationwide Waste EXT001153
  • Wastes not considered dangerous goods
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations
Christopher Janka
Merton Consulting Pty Ltd  EXT001398
  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations.
David Reddie Hazrad Australia EXT001134
  • Wastes not considered dangerous goods
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations
Geordie McMillan Stantec EXT001103
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations
 Luke Collins Edwards Environmental EXT001367
  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods,
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations.
 Matthew Philip Gibbs Arcadis Australia Pacific Pty Ltd  EXT001307
  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations.
Patrick Baldwin DRC Environmental Pty Ltd EXT001206  
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations.
Patrick Bryce Enviropacific EXT001129
  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations
Roger Gibbs Tetra Tech Coffey  EXT001253
  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations. 
Sasanka Thoguru

Certified Environmental Practitioner    EXT001307
  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations.
Shane Stephens

Director, Samplescience Pty Ltd 

  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods
  • Soil
  Seton Lillas; Environmental Site Assessments Pty Ltd; EXT001475
  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods,
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations
Stephen Jenkins Envirorisk Management P/L EXT001102
  • Wastes that are not considered to be dangerous goods
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations
Tim Tillig Maddingly Brown Coal EXT001320
  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations. 
Tyson Clingan Mackenzie Environmental EXT001138
  • Soils
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations
Yogesh Mistry   EXT001476
  • Wastes not considered to be dangerous goods,
  • Waste that may be considered to be dangerous goods under the Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations.

Reviewed 9 January 2025