Date of offence
Between 01 Aug 2012 and 02 Oct 2012
Type of offence

Deposit a particular kind of industrial waste at a place licensed to accept that industrial waste without the knowledge or consent of the licence holder, at Forge Creek on or about 1 August 2012.

Deposit a particular kind of industrial waste at a place licensed to accept that industrial waste without the knowledge or consent of the licence holder, at Forge Creek on or about 9 August 2012.

Deposit a particular kind of waste at a place not licensed to accept that kind of waste, at Cann River on or about 2 October 2012.

Background of offence

The charges arose as a result of a report from East Gippsland Shire Council regarding alleged, illegal dumping of tyres by GWS and its truck driver, Ross Handley, at the Cann River Landfill in October 2012. Further investigation by the EPA uncovered further evidence of alleged contraventions of the EP Act concerning the deposit of industrial waste contrary to section 27A(2) of the EP Act, namely, GWS depositing waste outside of the operating hours of Bairnsdale landfill.

Date of court hearing
16 December 2015
Date of court order
21 December 2015
Court magistrate
Mr L. Hill
Court location
Latrobe Valley
Proceeding number

Court orders made

Convicted and fined $30,000.

Costs: $10,000

Reviewed 13 March 2020