Date of offence
Between 22 Oct 2004 and 16 Dec 2008
Type of offence
  1. Disobey condition 1.5 of licence, at Moorabbin from 22.10.04 to 19.04.06, contrary to s.27(2).
  2. Disobey condition 1.7 of licence, at Moorabbin from 22.10.04 to 19.04.06, contrary to s.27(2).
  3. Fail to comply with clean up notice, at Moorabbin on 16.12.08, contrary to s.62A(3).
Background of offence
Eco-Chem Pty Ltd was investigated by the EPA after reports from the community that it was storing extensive volumes of dry cleaning waste chemicals. The company was licensed by EPA to consolidate and store a maximum of two tonnes of dry cleaning waste chemicals at the factory site in Ebden St, Moorabbin. The volume of waste chemicals stored was far in excess of this licence limit. EPA officers were concerned because of the known harmful effects of dry cleaning waste chemicals, which are defined as Prescribed Industrial Waste for the purposes of the Industrial Waste Resource Regulations.
Remedial action taken by EPA
Clean Up Notice

Clean Up Notice issued pursuant to section 62A of the EP Act.
Date of court hearing
6 July 2010
Date of court order
6 July 2010
Court magistrate
Mr P. Smith
Court location
Reasons for prosecution
In accordance with the Compliance and Enforcement Policy, this matter involved a high level of culpability because the company knowingly breached its licence and created an environmental hazard by storing harmful chemicals.

Court orders made

Convicted and fined an aggregate of  $25,000

The accused was further ordered to pay compensation of  $265,000

Costs: $42,705.74

Reviewed 13 March 2020