Date of offence
Between 11 Aug 2015 and 29 Oct 2015
Type of offence


1. Dump industrial waste at unlicensed site at Mt Waverley from 11 Aug 2015 to 29 Oct 2015, contrary to s.27A(2)(a).

2. Dump industrial waste at unlicensed site at Mt Waverley from 11 Aug 2015 to 29 Oct 2015, contrary to s.27A(2)(a).

3. Pollute land to make detrimental at Mt Waverley from 11 Aug 2015 to 29 Oct 2015, contrary to s.45(1)(f).

Background of offence

EPA Victoria (EPA) charged Concrete Concepts (VIC) Pty Ltd with pollution of land and dumping asbestos-contaminated material at an unlicensed site, after the company was contracted to build a soccer pitch at Syndal South Primary School.

EPA told the court the company was contracted in 2015 to build a soccer pitch based on clean fill, but instead the company brought in more than 100 loads contaminated with asbestos and other waste including bricks, pipes, glass, electrical cables and metal.

Department of Education and Training then engaged licensed asbestos removalists, who removed more than 5,800 tonnes of asbestos contaminated material at a cost of $1.5 million. It took nearly 2 years and the school lost the use of the playground, wetlands area and running track.

Date of court hearing
8 August 2022
Date of court order
8 August 2022
Court magistrate
O A Trumble
Court location
Proceeding number

Court orders made

With conviction, fined $285,000.00 as part of an aggregate order.

Reviewed 15 September 2022