Date of offence
Between 23 Sep 2011 and 23 Sep 2011
Type of offence

Cause environmental hazard at Laverton North, on 23.09.2011, contrary to s.27A(1)(c).

Date of court hearing
6 September 2016
Date of court order
6 September 2016
Court magistrate
B Fitzgerald
Court location
Proceeding number
Reasons for prosecution

The charge relates to a September 2011 investigation into a large amount of concrete slurry deposited into Kayes Drain, Laverton North adjacent to a concrete batching plant occupied by Campbellfield Mini Mix at Doherty’s Road Laverton North.   

The company was originally issued an infringement in relation to the spill but it was not paid in time. 

Court orders made

With conviction fined $6,000.

Costs: $4,890

Reviewed 12 March 2020