EPA Victoria is asking the community for information following an increase in reports of discarded waste tyres in the Shepparton area.

“We’ve been receiving reports about waste tyres dumped in the area. We’re concerned some businesses are turning a blind eye to rogue operators who undercharge to get the business and then dump waste tyres, rather than dispose of them correctly,” said EPA North East Manager Megan Fulcher.

“Greater Shepparton City Council tells us that in just one week, an estimated six large truckloads of tyres have been dumped on hidden rural roads in the area.

“The estimated cost to council, and its ratepayers, is $6.85 a tyre. Over three weeks that’s about 3,000 tyres and $6,850 a week of ratepayers funds going to clean up a mess they did not create.

“EPA has systems that can help identify companies that are potentially acting in a non-compliant way, but we also need help from the community to report to EPA if they see someone dumping tyres and where the tyres are dumped. Often that is on remote farm or bush land.”

Businesses suspected of illegally transporting  or trying to avoid using the EPA Waste Tracker system are potentially non-compliant with their tracking obligations.

“In Victoria, waste tyres are classified as a ‘Reportable Priority Waste’ and must be tracked by the EPA Waste Tracker system when transported from one site to another,” said Ms Fulcher.

“EPA Waste Tracker tracks waste through every step of its journey; from the place that created it, to the transport business, through to the end user or disposal point.

“If there’s a gap in the Waste Tracker trail, EPA can see it and use that information to pinpoint where along that journey the trail breaks,” she said.

Tyres that are poorly stored or managed pose a significant risk to the environment. Degrading tyres become havens for weeds and pests. Tyre fires are particularly harmful because of the smoke they generate and how difficult they are to put out.

“EPA has cleaned up several tyre stockpiles over the years, but it’s at a cost to the community when it should be the responsibility of the person or business that produced or transported the tyres in the first place,” Ms Fulcher said.

“Our inspection campaign will enforce the use of Waste Tracker as a compulsory system for the transport of Reportable Priority Waste. If we find that businesses aren’t compliant, we will take further regulatory action.

“If someone offers a deal below the going disposal rate and you take it when clearly you should have been more diligent, you could also be held responsible for any dumping of your waste tyres.”

If you have information call EPA on 1300 372 842 or www.epa.vic.gov.au

Reviewed 9 October 2024