Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has fined Hazelwood Power Partners for failing to meet tightened environmental regulations.

EPA Regional Manager Jessica Bandiera says that while there was not a major impact on the environment, it was still a breach of licence conditions that are there to protect the environment and the public.

“The company has long been licensed to discharge water from the Hazelwood Pondage into a tributary of the Morwell River, and had been complying with the required environmental standard until Victoria introduced new, higher standards in 2018,” Ms Bandiera said.

“Since then, EPA officers conducting routine inspections of the premises and taking samples from Eel Hole Creek, Wilderness Creek and the Morwell River, found the results met the old standard, but not the new one,” she said.

“Hazelwood Power Partners had not only failed to step up their environmental performance to meet the more stringent standard, but also failed to report the non-compliance to EPA – that’s two breaches of their licence.”

EPA has fined Hazelwood Power Partners, of Hazelwood Power Complex, Brodribb Rd, Hazelwood $8,261.

“This is a clear message to any business that EPA licence conditions are there to protect the environment and the community, and must be taken seriously,” Ms Bandiera said.

“Even when there have been no complaints or incidents, EPA officers are out there conducting routine inspections and won’t hesitate to take enforcement action when they uncover a breach,” she said.  


Under the Environment Protection Act 1970 and the Infringements Act 2006, the organisation has the right to have the decision to issue the infringement notice reviewed or alternatively to have the matter heard and determined by a court.

Members of the public can report pollution by calling EPA’s 24 hour hotline on 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842).

Reviewed 4 August 2021