Last night’s drop-in meeting to discuss July’s Derrimut chemical fire attracted nearly 20 community members keen to gain a greater understanding of the event and how the environmental issues were managed.

EPA Victoria staff were joined by officers from Brimbank City Council, Melbourne Water and Fire Rescue Victoria at Sassella Park Hall in Deer Park on Monday (14 Oct) evening.

The 10 July 2024 fire at the ACB chemical facility in Swann Drive, Derrimut was a major event and is under WorkSafe investigation. It created distress and anxiety in the community.

A recently published EPA science report found the fire presented a low risk to community health and the environment thanks to the all-agencies response and management.

The report includes a summary of monitoring undertaken and results, as well as more detailed scientific data and is available by clicking this link Derrimut fire science report | Environment Protection Authority Victoria (

More information on EPA’s comprehensive response to the fire, role and updates throughout the incident can be found at

Reviewed 15 October 2024