A Coolaroo demolition company that failed to comply with EPA Victoria information gathering notices (IGNs), in particular about asbestos movements, has been fined $16,000 without conviction at the Broadmeadows Magistrates Court and will pay EPA Victoria’s costs of a further $12,041.

In 2022, EPA initiated an operation targeting the illegal disposal of asbestos in Victoria and identified the need for further information from several demolition companies to explain how they were handling the deadly substance.

In early 2022, Merhi Group Holdings Lexton Pty Ltd, registered 73 demolitions with the Victorian Building Authority but only lodged 19 Waste Transport Certificates, of which only 13 recorded disposal of asbestos at a licensed site.

The irregularities in Merhi Group’s administration led to further investigations by EPA. EPA issued 67 information gathering notices on 23 May 2022 requiring Merhi Group to provide information regarding the nature of any and all asbestos identification for the demolitions. Merhi Group did not comply with the notices within the required timeframe and were charged.

Orders were made by the Court on 5 February 2024 prior to sentencing requiring Merhi Group to comply with the requirements of the notices and the material was then provided to the EPA.

“The transportation and disposal of asbestos is tightly monitored by EPA to ensure it is being disposed of in a safe manner and no longer posing a risk to the community,” said EPA Acting Chief Investigator Greg Elms.

“All Victorians have a duty to act to protect the environment, particularly when it’s a hazardous material like asbestos. Compliance with EPA notices is legally enforceable to enable EPA to protect the environment and human health. Failure to comply constitutes a criminal offence.”

Reviewed 30 August 2024