As fire restrictions ease around the state, EPA Victoria is warning landholders that what they toss into the flames while burning off this autumn could be costly for the environment and their hip pocket.


EPA Southwest Regional Manager, Carolyn Francis, says many waste items create toxic smoke and residue as they burn.


Burning farm waste like silage wrap, old tyres and chemical drums sends smoke and other residue into the atmosphere, waterways and soil,” Ms Francis said.


“Don’t let a routine burnoff turn into something that contaminates your land or neighbouring properties; send any waste to a properly licensed landfill or recycling facility,” she said.


Common waste materials from the farm can be recycled into building and fencing materials and products like floor matting. There’s a handy publication dealing with waste disposal and recycling on the EPA website at


If you are burning fallen trees or other natural wood, make sure they are as dry as possible to limit the volume of smoke, and farmers should make sure they have any relevant council or CFA permits.


Timber from buildings, furniture or other manufactured products is not safe to burn because it has probably been chemically treated.


EPA can fine offenders more than $9,000 for burning anything other than vegetation-sourced matter like timber and crop stubble.


Farmers understand how important a clean environment is to their livelihood and their community,” Ms Francis said.


“By thinking twice about what goes onto the pile when burning off, you can protect the environment from contaminating the soil, water and air around your farm and your neighbours,” she said.


You can also protect yourself from a hefty fine, which we won’t hesitate to issue if we find evidence on illegal matter getting burned.


Members of the public can report pollution by calling EPA’s 24-hour hotline on 1300 372 842 or providing details online at


Reviewed 15 April 2024