An Armstrong Creek man who tossed a burning cigarette from a moving car in Corio St, Belmont, has avoided a conviction but paid more than $700 in fine and costs when the case went to court.
EPA Victoria issued the man with a littering fine after a witness reported him to the 24-hour pollution hotline. He took the case to the Geelong Magistrates’ Court and pleaded guilty, where the Magistrate fined him $500 and ordered him to pay $281 in costs.
EPA says cigarette butts are the most common form of litter, they often find their way through drains and waterways to the bay, and lit cigarettes can cause bushfires if they land among grass or bush.
Members of the public can report pollution by calling EPA’s 24-hour hotline on 1300 372 842 or providing details online at
Reviewed 16 February 2024